As I am coming closer to graduating college, the pressure of navigating the next steps has grown immensely. I have really questioned what the Lord is calling me to do with my life. Over the last three years, I spent much of my time studying humanity and God’s word. Through this I have recognized God’s beautiful presence among different cultures. But how could I apply this knowledge and live selflessly for God’s kingdom while also making a living for myself? My thoughts were extremely jumbled and I found myself overthinking everything. All I had been longing for was the Lord’s direction and guidance in a time in which He seemed so quiet. I realized that even though I didn’t know my next step, God did-and I needed to trust His plan.
Once I decided to let go of my control over my own life, I was reminded of the World Race. I began my research into the eleven-month program and felt an overwhelming feeling of peace rush over me. This sense of peace gave me confidence that this was the Lord guiding me through these next steps.
So here I am now, eight months away from my departure into the world. While my emotions are high, peace still reigns. I know that the Lord is not only calling me to this challenge to grow and strengthen my relationship with Him, but also to experience His love through loving the people He has made in His image. I do not know what to expect, but I do know that I want Jesus to be my guide and my teacher every step of the way. I am excited for this adventure and pray that the Lord’s will be done through it all.

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