Hey y’all! I’m so excited to take you on this amazing journey God has in store. You may be asking why I am going on the World Race. Well, I honestly had no clue what to do with my life — whether to pursue ministry, start a business, or heck become a doctor. One constant thing I knew was I felt called to go on a mission trip. A family friend suggested World Race and then I was off. If any of you know me, I am an all-in kind of gal and decided to take on a whole 9 months dedicated to missions and serving the Lord. Through this time, the team I will be a part of will get the amazing opportunity to share God’s love in Nicaragua, Nepal, South Asia, and Eswatini. Here is the place where you can go on this amazing adventure with me. It won’t be an easy 9 months but it’s a perfect time to become fully reliant on the Father. Please keep me in your prayers through this time and if you feel called to, please donate to support the mission. Anything helps and I am so excited for this crazy and fulfilling adventure! Love y’all!

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