
4 years ago, I fell in love with Jesus Christ, and nothing about me has been the same. I lost all my ideals for this life, and the promised life of the world. I told myself that I would not settle to live for anything less than my Lord, and this desire has not changed. The only thing that has changed is that I have become more eager to do the Lord’s will and more eager to serve people. I want to be last in this world and to decrease myself, which is probably why my journey is starting with the humbling task of asking for support. I am not at ease about it but I also know it’s necessary for the life I will live. It weakens me which is good. Since I know the life I want (that is, specifically, a life on mission to evangelize and teach and live like a disciple. I’m also interested in church planting and intercultural ministry, and I’ve said this before somewhere but I don’t seek my own ministry; I desire to follow Jesus and be a part of what He is doing on this earth right now, til I go home to be with Him.) a couple months ago I went in search of a starting point, and I found Adventures in Missions: almost immediately following I felt the tug of the Holy Spirit on my heart and was certain. I applied about a day later and got in quickly. Of course I’ve had my doubts but that is to be expected, and I know God is for me and will provide all of my needs. I’m starting the world race for many many reasons: it will prepare me for the future, bring me into community with fellows, teach me more about Jesus and how to speak about the Kingdom of God. I will be decreased and serve with my whole heart, leave the world behind, and run to experience and show others the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves you and I love you. Blessings!

Above is firstly, a butterfly, which is His sign of provision and love for me. I’ve been seeing a lot of those lately.

Second is a drawing of me leaning against my Lord and a poem I wrote beside it.

Third is a mountain which is one of my favorite of God’s creations.

Lastly is the trysting place, which is one of the places I go to in my heart with the Lord, and something I wrote beside it.