
Over the past few weeks, there hasn’t been anything that stood out too much, so this is gonna be another short blog. Hi has been flying over here like one day it’s Monday and the next day it’s Friday, everything just goes so fast.

One of the main things that happened in the past three weeks was that we got to teach some of the kids in the village how to swim. It was a story going around.There was a story that we were told when we got here about two months ago. A kid was walking through the rice fields during rainy season, so everything floods, and he fell in a deeper hole, and could not get out, and eventually he drowned, because the only people that were around was his mother and his sister, and they didn’t know how to swim, and by the time they went and got help and came back he had already passed. So it was laid on the heart of John,one of my teammates that went to school for swimming and was actually a junior Olympic, it was later on his heart to keep his kids how to swim because he had been wanting to teach kids how to swim since he was on the race and since he was so good. So we started fundraising for this to get all the villages out, and the fundraising went above and beyond what we asked. You may not realize this, but for kids to come in to siem reap, Cambodia from The Village is sometimes a once in a lifetime opportunity. And some of the older people have still never been to siem reap so to get the kids to go swimming. It’s just one of the best days of their life and we got to experience that with them. When we got to the pool, we would teach the kids your basic swimming skills and then in the afternoon the pool had a little water park and we just let the kids go free and just watch them and made sure they didn’t drown and had fun with them. This is probably one of the best time I had with the kids because it was more than just sitting and teaching them a lesson. It was actually interacting with them, and just purely having fun with them.

another recent highlight was for Valentine’s Day. What are the teams invited a lot of the other teams to their place and they were small and we just had a big Valentines party and it was just nice to see other people from the squad hang out with them. Another highlight was just that I got to go wakeboarding again here in Cambodia.