
Woohoo!!! On Monday, we hit 100 days of being on the race! In honor of that, I want to do a little overview of some of the best moments of the race. So if you’ve heard any of this before, that means it was super awesome and I just had to share it again! 😅 I’m going to try to find some of the little things you haven’t heard yet.


Yikes… training camp was a time. It seems like a blur already. It was kind of a rough start when they didn’t let us shower for like four days…while we were camping…in Georgia…in September… But we got through it!

Week 1: Campfires!

Gap M very quickly became known for our squad campfires. It was pretty much every night that someone would send in the group chat, “can we have a fire,” (Obviously the question mark was implied. I guess I’m weird for using punctuation as a teenager. 😂). Our leaders always gave approval, and then the fires began! I’m a big fan of campfires, so having them so often helped me to settle in, especially when Bella pulled out her guitar and we got to do a little bit of singing!

Week 2: Our first team photo

Week 3: Trash-bagging

I and a few other people grabbed trash bags from the kitchen (unfortunately no dish soap ☹️) and tried our hand at trash-bagging down the steep bank because it was rainy and the grass was wet. I’m still not really sure how I ended up one of the people on that hill. Very not my style, but it was fun! Of course I passed on my trash bag after just a couple tries, but I gave it a go, and that was impressive for me. 🙂

Week 4: Ministry begins

While a bunch of people painted the pastor’s office, I re-categorized and alphabetized his books. That’s my kind of job. 🙃

Week 5: Lake day!

I got in the water! It wasn’t too cold, either! I’m pretty sure I spent a fair amount of time reading my book. We all loved getting out of the base for a day.


Week 6: Oh boy…

This is the moment I realized I was leaving the country and not coming back until May. You’re welcome that I shared that with you. 😬

Week 7: Deepavali Festival

I sang “Holy Spirit” at a Hindu light festival, so that’s awesome. I also did forget the bridge in the moment, so I made up my own. 😅 I’m sure only the Americans noticed. 🙃

Week 8: School

We taught refugee kids English and math in Malaysia. The kids loved this one alphabet game, so we played it all the time. That’s my pink shirt on the right.

Week 9: Roses

The MOGS pitched in to buy roses for all the women on the squad! It was really sweet of them.

Week 10: Beetle

In case you couldn’t tell, Jackson likes bugs.

Week 11: Fit check

I took this picture so I could show my Grandma one of my new outfits after I basically doubled the size of my wardrobe. Also I bought a new skirt yesterday. I needed another one. 😁


Week 12: Chicken

Contrary to popular belief, this chicken was not dinner. We did bring him home, though. Grace sat with him on her lap in the back of the truck for the whole hour drive home, and it was perfect. 😂

Week 13: Tiny shoes

Saw these at the market. They didn’t quite fit, but they were cute!

Week 14: Farming

We didn’t get through the whole thing, but we made a valiant effort weeding this cassava field. At least I think Aaron said it’s cassava.

Week 15: This week

You don’t get a photo for this one because I’m like half a week behind, so you’ll get it on the blog for this week. No spoilers. 🙃

Prayer Requests

  • You can always always always pray for team unity. 🙂
  • Pray for our upcoming weekend of Christmas evangelism in the village! We will be tenting. Our ministry will be doing a skit of the story of the prodigal son (paired with a gospel presentation) as well as some house visits.
  • Pray for Wanida and her family to be so blessed by the Lord.
  • Pray for continued success in the fundraising for the different projects Wanida is working on. You can see more about those in my last post. Also, thank you to those of you who have given already!
  • I’m getting over a cold, so please pray for continued healing in that so I can be really super effective at ministry.
  • Pray for all of Gap M as it is the holiday season, which lends itself to homesickness.

Well that was kinda fun! I hope you guys like it. If not, it should be a more normal post next week. 😅