

This week was packed! Meeting my team has been my favorite part—everyone is so sweet and kind, and I feel incredibly blessed to do life with them for the next nine months. We all stay in tents, which took a moment to get used to, but overall, it’s been fun. Everyday is full of messages, worship, and team time. There are about 200 people training for semester trips, gap year, and expedition. It’s been amazing to see us all living life together and chasing after God.


God has been moving so much this week; it’s insane! I came with no expectations because I knew that God would be at work. At first, I was nervous and honestly scared, but I’ve found freedom from that fear, knowing that God has me in the palm of His hand. Psalm 27 has been a comforting verse for me. Also, two people on my team were physically healed—God is so good!

What I Have Learned:

  • God is the only thing that satisfies.
  • You have to be fully surrendered to be filled. 
  • Peace is a promise and is found in His presence.
  • Steadfastness is essential. Steadfast- means to be firm, constant, and steady.
  • I am exactly who God made me to be.
  • Be interruptible—God has the perfect plan.
  • My “yes” is far bigger than all the “nos.”

Prayer Requests:

  • My squad’s health—people are starting to get sick.
  • Peace and joy for me and my squad.

The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1





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