Hey everybody! I am so sorry for the late post. I was going to do a video but technology was not working in my favor so I had to switch to paragraph style tonight. I also realized that I never explained how blogs are gonna work. I will be posting blog every Sunday, and it will more than likely be paragraph style written out just so that I can get it to y’all on time and it’s not late and I don’t leave you guys hanging. This blog is ending week two and starting week three. Week two was really really good, the two biggest things that happened was that my squad and I went out to town and evangelized for an hour or two. It was amazing overall, but it was really hard in the beginning because people would be busy doing things and I wouldn’t want to interrupt them and so it was hard. BUT one thing we’ve been told is we have to keep people’s salvation in mind. This is their eternity and it’s really selfish to not try because of our own insecurities. That’s one thing that’s been weighing on my heart recently because I’ve been feeling nervous and thinking “what if they don’t accept me”. The bottom line is that I can make excuses all day but I am not the point of all of this. That’s also a prayer request: just pray that God keeps reminding me over and over again that it’s not about me. It’s about him and for his glory. And for not to get in the way of that because that’s not what that’s not what this is about. This next part is going to focus on one person, who I talked to for an hour to an hour and a half. First, he is homeless and that is really hard to see. Especially when you see how people looked at him. This man is so trapped in sin, it breaks my heart. He thinks that he can do it by himself, and based on his own strength he’ll be able to make it through life. Which is one of the reasons he isn’t accepting Jesus. Right now he is struggling to find a job, a place to sleep and basic necessities for life. It’s holding him back and it’s just really sad because he’s very focused on the present and so focused “the now” that he doesn’t care about eternity and he doesn’t care about God and which made it difficult to talk to him. He was like “yeah, I believe in Jesus, I believe in God sure” and then and when asked if he would turn away from sin, he said “no, I don’t want to”. It’s really hard being on the other side, knowing what God does for us, and then having somebody not choose that because their flesh is in the way. It’s so hard and so heartbreaking. So that was that was a really good but hard time and then the second big thing that happened is that Saturday night at 11 PM, I found out that there was a huge puddle of water under my tent! I had to take all of my stuff out of my tent, make sure nothing got damaged, which praise the Lord it didn’t, and pack up to make sure everything would stay safe in nature. Another blessing is that somebody let me sleep in their tent that night so I had somewhere to stay in case it rained. A lot of things could’ve gone wrong but it didn’t and so that was really really good. When I took my tent off of my footprint, there was probably a gallon of water. There were also a lot of dead worms. I had to clean them off the bottom of my tent, which was not fun and it made my tent smell like fertilizer. All in all, definitely some lows this week, but mostly highs. This week went by so fast, and I will tell you all about this upcoming week next Sunday!