
Hello everybody! 

Wow! I actually can’t believe that I have been in Italy for a month!! Last week started off rough with me pulling a muscle in my leg while dancing and then waking up sick the next day, but thankfully the Lord healed me pretty quick. We had an English camp for the Italian students at our church and it was such a fun time teaching them about animals by racing like the animals, and doing Pictionary. All of us went to Pimbino to do one on one coaching and then we had a lovely dinner with an ocean view as a team. Thursday was quite a busy day with checking out the city of Suvereto, visiting a beautiful castle resort with some yummy appetizers, and then going to one of our Italian friends house to celebrate my leaders birthday.  Friday was learning about how to do finances and explore Pisa while  also taking pictures with the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Saturday consisted of cleaning and then a few of us headed to the local water park to have one last adventure in Follonica. Cheers to new stories in Sicily! Hope you all are having a wonderful summer and are experiencing Gods blessings over your life. 


Bailey Lawson