
Hi friends!!


28 days!! 28 days and I am on my way to Atlanta, Georgia to begin training. It is so crazy to have entered the month that I leave for this radical adventure. God is so good and I am so stoked to see Him move and work in the people that I meet and the lives that will be present on this trip. 


 Lots of people have asked if I am nervous about going on this mission trip. The short answer is no. The long answer is yes. To be honest, I am not nervous to go on the trip. I am beyond excited, eager, and giddy to be serving God halfway across the world. However, for some reason, I am nervous to leave. I am nervous that I won’t pack the right things or might forget something that I won’t be able to find in Thailand. I know it kind of sounds silly because realistically I feel like these kinds of things should be the least of my worries, but in reality, it is what I am nervous about the most. 


Last night I went to a Chris Tomlin concert with four of my closest friends here at Whitworth. I grew up listening to Chris Tomlin so it was super cool to see him in person and to worship the Creator with my friends. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Seeing the arena filled with people surrendering and praising the One who gave us life was so beautiful. The joy that I experienced when I looked over and saw my friends with their hands raised and worshipping, was unmatched. I have been so blessed that God brought this group of girls into my life and the trials and triumphs I have faced during my first year in college. My loving grandma would call this a “God wink.” I know that meeting these ladies was not a coincidence and God had it all planned out. 


So, in 28 days I leave behind the atmosphere of freshmen year, jump into a ministry that will forever change my heart, and experience the Creator of the world in a way that I could’ve never imagined. I am so excited to build relationships by meeting people where they are at and hearing their unique stories that shaped them into who God created them to be. I am excited to share my experiences and the people that I engage with. 


This past year, I have ended all my prayers or my journal entries with this:


Thank you Lord for this wonderful life I live, the people you have blessed me with, and this beautiful, yet temporary home I get to enjoy. Amen:)  


Lots of love,
