
Hello! I really do not know how to begin this update as I am a bit out of practice. I am now in Cambodia and I have been for the past three weeks. If you have kept up with my Instagram or Facebook, you know this, but that does not excuse my ignoring of this practice of blogging. The upsetting part of this is that so much has happened in between these times. It has not been that I look around and see absolutely nothing interesting that I could write about, because as I most recently posted about, He is moving always. You, a friend, family member, supporter, or perhaps a blend of more than one of those options, are reading this not needing anything big or incredible to read about. I am sorry for my lack of commitment in this area, however I also want to assure you, the reader, that I feel no shame in this matter, shame is of something that is not the Lord. But onto business!

Vietnam came to somewhat of an uneventful end. I met beautiful people there, made wonderful friends, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. However, I did not bide my time in the way that I believe would have been the most beneficial for myself. I left Vietnam, after a long and grueling travel day(s), ready for Cambodia because I believed that I would feel restored. So far, I was right.

In Cambodia, we live with one other team, a girls’ team, Naya. I have firstly, loved what this has offered. Spending time with some of my closest friends outside of my own team like Deborah Dvorak or Ella Doyon, and forming new friendships with other girls on Naya has been so enjoyable and fruitful.

Our ministry has also offered so many fun opportunities because of the variety of ministry options that we have. We may work with kids one day for an entire day, or we may split off on a Tuesday to teach teenagers English or on a Thursday to women’s Bible study to maybe even be a part of a baptism! There have been some beautiful things that I have gotten to be a part of here and I hope to share about them more in depth at a later time.

Cambodia really has been full of joy and purpose and so many amazing people, and I am sad to say that I only have two and a half weeks left in this place, but I have enjoyed what I have gotten. I would ask you to keep me in your prayers as I take this feeling to the Word and to the Lord with gratitude, and please pray for my family as I know I am missed back home as much as they are missed by me. Thank you so much and please feel free to reach out, I will release another update on more specific stories very soon!