
Nothing too crazy happened in Swazi I really wanna get to the part of South Africa but a couple of highlights before we left. Swazi, one was, we rode horses through a Safari, which is so cool to ride up on giraffes on our horses. And another one was we had a revival Weekend. Where for 48 hours we were either praying, singing, worshiping or something like that doing it all to the Lord. There was something going on for 48 hours. We didn’t necessarily have to be there, but it was really fun just part of.

Now into South Africa. The reason I titled it Holy Spirit was because the spirit has been moving so incredibly much, each day I write down what happened that day so that is what I’m going to copy/paste here. I just want you to remember that the stuff that you are about to read are not about me, but about the Holy Spirit through me which leads to Jesus. Everything points back to Jesus.

If some of my words don’t make sense, it is because I speak into my phone and don’t read over what it says.


Today was crazy, we started off by going into the slums again, but today we wanted to go deeper into the darker parts, where there is not as much light of Jesus. In the morning we started off pretty close to the entrance, and we’re talking to these guys and telling them about the gospel of Jesus Christ and about the Holy Spirit. Two of the guys excepted Jesus as their savior and repented, and had the Holy Spirit fill them up. We got to pray over them and encourage them which is just so much fun. After that, we walked farther down and got to talk to this one guy who felt lost because he was not going to church anymore. Me and Noah were talking to him for a good bit through our translator. I got to explain to him the parable of the sheep, and how Jesus just wants him to come back to him. I also got to explain to him that going to church does not define your relationship with Jesus. a relationship is defined by talking to them and talking back. It’s not just one sided where we just talk, but to have a relationship with Jesus Jesus also speaks to us, and we listen for his voice. we spoke to one more person, this man was crippled, so we just decided just to lay hands on him, and pray for him, and share gospel with him. He also became a believer and then when I prayed for him I was done just praying that the Holy Spirit would just show himself and he said he had had a serious headache, but then it was just a vanished so we prayed for his leg, and he said it still hurt, but I am trusting in the Lord that he has healed it. Interesting thing that happened while we were praying there was this came up close to us and started screaming and just cursing at us and just praying against us while we were praying for the man to be healed. It was very interesting because my team leader, Banks had a vision about that exact thing a couple weeks ago, that there was these witches that were just praying to Satan against us as we were spreading the good news, and it came true. We gave him the Bible and then it was time for lunch at this point. After lunch, we decided that we’re just gonna go down to the river. For reference down by the river is where the darker things are, and it is more dangerous down there but still, they need the gospel. By the river is witches, and the forces of darkness dwell heavily down by the river. So after lunch, we headed straight there, but on the way we stopped by these people who were at a bar and we just ended up talking to them. One of the guys gave his life to Christ, but not only did he give his life to Christ. He got healed from severe pain in his jaw, and then he just wanted to be with us. He realized the power of God that had healed him, and he wanted to extend it to the others around. So he took us down across the river to the other side, we told him that we wanted him to take us to a bunch of people or two people who are sick or crippled so that they may be healed in Jesus name and that they may see the true light in the dark and share the gospel with them. So he asked one of the guys where a lot of people are, or like people that needed to be healed. And the face just lightened up because he had a three week old baby that had night tears and was just not doing too well. we pray for his baby and for the mother and then we asked them if they had ever heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they said they never have. This is the first time I’ve ever come across someone who has not heard about the name of Jesus and it just blew my mind. Anyhow, I got to share the gospel with them, and the Holy Spirit move among them. At the end, the guy was like I want that, and he came to know the Lord, so we got to pray over him, and the Holy Spirit annointed him. Right after that, we met these other guys that were just so curious about what we were doing. My friend Noah gave them the gospel as well, and by the end the one guy just wanted it so bad, he repented and turned to the Lord. After he repented, we just prayed that the Holy Spirit would just make himself known and that guy’s life and no joke the guy just jumped a little. One of our leaders named Clayton just prayed that his stomach would be just full of living water as Jesus said that he is, and after we prayed, he said that he felt just something going on with his stomach. He also said that he felt like he wasn’t with us which I have come to believe, and assume that he had a vision from the Lord. Praise the Lord.


Now that you know a little more about my day, I’m just gonna point out some highlights from this day. We walked up to a guy drinking some wine and it was a perfect opportunity to tell him about when Jesus turned water into wine so I asked him I was like, did you ever see water get turned into wine and he’s like no and I was like let me tell you a story so I told that whole story and asked him if he knew who Jesus was. He said he died for me, but that’s about it so then I told him everything else about the gospel from Genesis, the whole even unto revelation, and he ended up giving his life to the Lord, which is just so beautiful, because I was able to use something like wine to get to the gospel. And if you’ve never been able to tell someone about the gospel that have never heard about the gospel. It is one of the coolest things you can ever do, to let them see the true light, and to watch the Holy Spirit. Just move among their Mets right then and there..


A couple highlights from today was once again we went down into the more secluded/dangerous area of the slums. I truly do love going down there because there’s just so much darkness but we are a light to the world and when we talk to people and just show them love and show them their face just lights up, sometimes. Anyhow, when we were down there, we came across these three guys who were drunk, or we’re trying to get to that point. We came into their house and started talking to them because they were outside, drinking and talking to each other so we asked if we could come in and talk to them. They said yes and we started talking and then they’re like oh you’re with Church. I tell could right away that they didn’t really like that because they’re like oh I don’t need Jesus I have my own God and I just kept telling him that there is only one God, and there is only one Jesus I shared the gospel with them. While I was doing that, one of the people on our squad, Jackson was talking to this one guy who asked about Jesus and Jackson got to tell him that he healed so many people, and that he came and died for us. The guy asked him he goes. I have a hurt knee could Jesus heal me and Jackson goes yes, and he wanted Jackson to pray for him. While Jackson was praying for him, he was kind of often his own world he didn’t really care. He thought it was just fun in games but then after his prayer, Jackson told him to move his leg and out his knee. The man couldn’t believe it his knee was healed. He kept hitting his knee to make sure it was actually healed and he would just stretch it out really fast and contracted it and he couldn’t believe it so then he came to the conclusion that Jackson had magic. Jackson had told him that he didn’t. They was Jesus who killed him, and he still didn’t believe it. Even though he did not accept Christ, I do believe, and I pray that he will down the road.  it is just so cool also before we go out, we asked Loretta have divine appointments, and I believe everything that happened this day was just so divine from the Lord and appointed. On the way back we passed these three guys and start talking with them and they had never heard the who Jesus was and what he was here for, Malachi got to explain them the story of Jesus. At the end, they believe who Jesus was and accepted Christ as their savior, all three of them. Praise the Lord. There is a great harvest that the Lord has partnered with us, and it is so evident that the Holy Spirit is moving. Anyhow, after that, I asked him if I could just pray for them one more time, but this time I pray that the Holy Spirit would just show himself evident. So I prayed that and I was like did you feel anything? And one of the guys said yes there was a warm feeling that just went in his body that it was hard to explain and I told him I was like yes that’s the Holy Spirit moving, this was half of our day in the afternoon we went to two communities and did a VBS. It was a really simple VVS but so much fun just too play with the kids and sing and dance with them.


The weekend was packed was so much fun. We went to a race track and watched a whole bunch of races and watched a couple crashes and it was just fun just to hang out at a race track. On Sunday we went to an African church which is completely different because The way they dance and they’re always singing is just so different. People were also getting slain in the spirit which was very interesting to watch because I had never seen or experience that.


What a blessing it is to be part of the kingdom of heaven. What a blessing it is that the board chose us to work with him in the supernatural. Today was a day I have been looking forward to for so long. We started off the day by going to a public school to dance and teach the kids their lessons about respect. After that we went into a more dangerous area of Johannesburg, a different slums, and what we had been in before. There was one guy that was limping with a staff to help him with his leg going a certain way, but then he seen us, and he stopped to talk to us. I explained to him who Jesus was because he hadn’t known him who he fully was and I explained that Jesus when he was on this earth, he came and healed people and asked him if he would want to be healed. He said yes. So before I pray for him, I told him a story about when Jesus told some people by your faith you have been healed, and I told him to have faith that Jesus will heal after that I laid hands on his ankle and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I healed him. After I got done praying for him, I asked him to feel how his leg felt and asked him if it felt better he started moving his foot around and said it did, and we got to explain a little more who Jesus was before he was on his way. it was so beautiful to watch him pick up his staff and not have to use it anymore and he just walked away. How good is the Lord! After that, we got to talking to this one guy who had just so much hate with him, because he was robbed and at gunpoint by a whole bunch of thieves. They broke into his own house and was going to kill him, but he told them to take everything they wanted, but do not hurt his family. He was ready to die for his family, and he told us that if he ever sees them again, he is going to kill them. He definitely has PTSD from that, and so we got to explain what Jesus taught, about loving your enemies. It was very hard for him to hear that, but it was what he needed to hear. We spent an hour talking to this guy, and then prayed just a softening of his heart to come and just wash over him and then we had to go. In the afternoon wow my friends were talking to some of these guys. Me and one of my leaders were just talking and just people just kept coming up to us just asking us either for prayer or ask what we were doing. We just continue to tell him the reason we’re here is because of Jesus. After that, we went down this street and I believe so much that the Lord put us down that one street just to talk to this one guy because when we were down there we were walking along and he asked us what we’re doing. We said we are telling people about Jesus and we’re proud of it. That hit him. He looked shocked when we said we are proud of it and he asked us to pray for him. Dawson started praying for him, and afterwards he could not believe it. He could not believe what Dawson had just prayed because he told us afterward he said I did not tell you what I need but yet you prayed for the exact exact thing I needed and Dawson goes. I know the Lord told me what you needed prayer for and it was just so cool because he came to know Jesus and afterward, his heart was just so soft and beautiful, there was actually a guy that came up and started demanding money from him, and his toe was just so calm and collective, and it was just beautiful because when we had just got there, he was more aggressive but his heart had just changed so much and it was so beautiful to watch. Also, there was a guy that we met that the Lord laid on my heart to heal his ankle as well which was really cool because it’s so much fun to watch someone after the supernatural has been done on them and they just can’t believe what Jesus has done to them. Like he went over and started talking to his friends and messing with his foot, and just smiling so much it is such a privilege that we are partners and co-errors with Christ, and that he has chosen us to do the whale of the father, and to work alongside of him. One other thing that someone on my team said, even though we are going into dangerous areas, we all don’t have fear because the Holy Spirit just gives us so much peace in the midst of all the danger.


Today was kinda an odd day, for the morning and after noon we were only at one spot. In the morning, it consisted of a lot of intercession for me at least while the others were talking to people. In the afternoon I got to talk to a guy named Kevin. I told him about the Jesus and what he did but the Holy Spirit told me to talk to him about the Holy Spirit. The Lord knew that he had a whole inside of him that earthly things could not fulfill. So without thinking about it, I started talking about how the Holy Spirit bill was in a hole inside of the world, might fill up for a little bit, but they are only temporary. I told him this and he looked at me and he said yeah that is exactly what is happening. I told him that the only thing that can fill up that whole and be long lasting is the Holy spirit. when you heard that, I asked him if he would like to receive Jesus his board and he looked at me and was like absolutely, so he received Christ. Praise God!! After that, Clayton called me over to be apart of a deliverance. It was so cool because after we prayed deliverance on her she said that weight has been lifted off of her, and the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me so much speechless after we prayed for her. She also said as soon as we laid hands even before we prayed for her, that the weight was lifted off of her and she felt so light.

I pray that this encourages you in your faith, not only in your faith but also to listen to the hole spirit.
