
“In the author’s hand, I am only the pen. The story He’s writing is far more captivating than the color of this ink.”

“What if it’s not about you?” Have you thought about this recently? Someone special on our team asked me this recently and it struck me as she expanded the scriptures reciting the names of so many greats in the faith that also fell short for the call of duty. What she said did not mark my heart as much as who she is that showed me what that meant! She showed me by her life that she has faith that God chooses us – in spite of us.

There are two things to notice here.

  1. God’s message is bigger than you and your shortcomings.
  2. Your life can preach beyond words the message you speak.

What a beautiful tension — both true and yet so different. Jesus was both man and God, and perhaps faith in Him also expands our capacity to see beyond the either or to both and. David both committed murder and was a man after God’s heart. Gideon both was afraid and found victory being called valiant. You are both not enough and more than the lack you face.

Do you feel the message, the call, the blessing, the strength God has called you to share is far beyond you? There is hope my friend. If He calls you to something you feel inadequate for, He gives power and grace for the journey. The same One who said, “Let there be light,” (remember light still shines to this day) speaks to you. He has the power.

May the ink of your life be fitting to the message God called in your destiny. Let it be bold where His message is loud and beautiful where His message is sweet.

Oh Potter, have Your way.