
WOW!! 75 days until the first day of training camp! I can’t believe how fast the days are just flying by. Before we know it, it’s going to be August 31st and I’m already feeling so many different emotions.

The Lord has been preparing my heart in ways I can’t fully comprehend. I’m terrified, yet very excited for this next chapter of life. It’s going to be so sweet and rewarding! I’ve also connected with a lot of the people on my squad (recently named K squad) which has been really helpful and encouraging. We have a big group chat with all 30 of us which has been used for asking questions, spiritual encouragement, prayer, and sending recommendations on gear (like a tent, backpack, how much clothes to bring, etc). It has been so sweet to see how much my squad is already unifying, and encouraging each other in the Lord. It makes me beyond excited to be surrounded with these beautiful people who will soon become my second family.

God has shown Himself to me in such crazy ways since He first called me to this adventure! An example would be, about two weeks ago, my brother sends me a screenshot of a text conversation between him and someone he works with. This person, who I’ve never even met before, told my brother he wants to buy me my trail hiking backpack. Not just any backpack, but the giant 65L one I’ll be living out of for 9 months. I was speechless as I read the screenshot my brother sent me. I’ve never met him before, and he wants to buy my BACKPACK? I’m just in awe of how the Lord works through people, and I’m incredibly grateful!

So, today I actually got the backpack I’ll be living out of for 9 months, and as I left the REI store I was flooded with so many emotions. This is REAL. This is HAPPENING. I was smacked in the face with an insane sense of reality that I tried to prepare myself for, but ultimately the Lord was (and still is) preparing me in so many different ways.

I ALREADY HAVE 30% OF MY FUNDS RAISED!! God is so good! This means I only need 10% to meet my deadline by training camp (August 31st)! Thank you so much to everyone who has already supported me financially, and also prayerfully. I honestly could not do this without you. Any kind of support truly means the world to me!

A few recent prayer requests would be that the Lord would continue to prepare my parents/family for me leaving soon. It’s been really difficult to think about leaving them for so long, and finding a “new normal” with life at World Race. Also prayer against any spiritual warfare, comparison, fear, or doubt the enemy tries to drag me down with as I prepare emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally for this trip.

I’m praying for all of you, and keep shining bright for Jesus:)
