
96 hours ago ish.

I woke up, and we cleaned our base in Lothoso. We got in a van and drove for the next 10 hours.

86 hours ago ish.

We arrive at our old ministry host parents. (Long story, they are great)

85 hours ago ish.

We get food. I have a fire chicken wrap and some ice cream. I also listen to the new Twenty One Pilots song, which is also fire.

84 hours ago ish.

I snuggle up with my good friend Jacob, and we use a singular blanket. And hold each other close for body heat because the floor was butt cold.

77 hours ago ish.

I wake up at about 6 a.m. We pack, I eat yogurt and granola, and we head for the airport.

76.25 hours ago ish.

We get to the Airport.

75 hours ago ish.

We couldn’t check our bags for about 2 hours, so we had some time to kill.

74 hours ago ish.

Brett and I found a coffee shop and Wi-Fi, and I downloaded everything I could. When we returned to our bags, all the Girls were there. We hadn’t seen them in a month, and this reunion was super sweet.

73 hours ago ish.

We check our bags and go through customs, the whole shebang. And then we get on a plane.

65 hours ago ish.

We touch down in Qatar. We get off the plane, I see the whole city lit up, and we get on a bus.

64.5 hours ago ish.

We get off a bus and run through security because our plane takes off in thirty minutes. I get flagged, and the security guard makes me take everything out of my bag and clears me.

64.4 hours ago ish.

When we get to our gate, me and about six others are way ahead of the rest of the squad.

64.3 hours ago ish.

There is another more intense security point. And I got flagged again.

64.2123 hours ago ish.

We get on the plane finally.

64 hours ago ish.

We discover there is every movie imaginable on this plane. This was a revelation for the squad.

56 hours ago ish.

I woke up shocked that I slept eight hours. I look at the screen. We still have eight hours left.

55 hours ago ish.

I watch Cars 2.

48 hours ago ish.

We touched down in Miami, and I had one thing on my mind: Chic-Fil-A.

47 hours ago ish.

We got off the plane and into the Miami airport, but CFA was on the other side of security, so I laid down and enjoyed a sweet tea. (Side note: America has the best snacks, hands down.)

45 hours ago ish.

We go to the security gate and stand in a very long line.

44.5 hours ago ish.

I get flagged again. I swear it was not my day.

44 hours ago ish.

After having nothing criminal except my devilishly handsome looks. I continue on my merry way.

43.5 hours ago ish.

We drop our bags at our gate and begin our journey to find the holy grail.

43 hours ago ish.

We arrived, and it was glorious.

42 hours ago ish.

I smile after consuming a large sweet tea, a spicy chicken sandwich deluxe, and a large fry. CFA is so freaking good.

41 hours ago ish.

Some friends and I go to the Lego store and look at the absurdly priced Legos.

40 hours ago ish.

We return to our gate fat and happy and get ready to board.

39 hours ago ish.

We take off for our final country, Guatemala.


This all happened like two weeks ago. I wrote half of this last week, and then my computer crashed. But since then, we have moved twice, and our parents have visited and left us. Both of these have been good. I will write more in-depth about my mom coming soon. But we are in the final stretch; one country left a little less than 2 months, and then I am home, and this is over. Which is wild I feel like I just wrote my first blog on my couch like two months ago. All things do end, but good can be found in a closing chapter. And God still definitely has work for us to do in Guatemala.


Love you all,

-Drew McKinney