
To be completely transparent, I really wasn’t looking forward to going to Cambodia at the beginning of the race. It was never a place where I desired to go. There was no specific reason why I didn’t want to go, it just didn’t really interest me. But wow, the Lord changed my heart and made me fall in love with the people and places in Cambodia! Praise God that he knows better than me!

I saw the hand of the Lord so clearly in Cambodia! A country where the name of Jesus is barely known still so clearly echoed his glory all over. What a day it will be when the blinders are removed off the people’s eyes and the Khmer see his glory shinning all around them!

Cambodia is not a super well know nation to people in the west but the Lord certainly has not forgotten about his people there! He loves them deeply. The Khmer people have faced things that no human being ever should. They need to be reminded of the love the Father has for them. He didn’t want them to suffer or walk in shame. The heart of the Lord needs to be shown to the Khmer people. He wants them to feel his warm embrace. The Khmer Rouge does not define these people, the Lord does.

While I was in the boarder lineup to get into Thailand, after saying a hard goodbye to Cambodia, a man who I was chatting with asked me “do events like the Khmer Rouge ever make you question God?” My answer was no, although it certainly reminds me of the darkness that’s so clearly in our world and reminds of the battle that continues to rage between Satan and God, but praise the Lord that we already know he’s victorious!

Honestly, the more I grow in intimacy with the Lord and see lost people, the more I hate the enemy and his tactics. Being in a country chained by buddhism was so sad. We got to do a prayer walk around a Buddhist temple and it broke my heart. Satan gives fleeting satisfaction to the people and continues to tighten his grip. The actions of the offerings do have power and it’s being given to the enemy. Satan is doing his best to keep people content so he continues to pull them in. It breaks my heart to know that people are receiving what they ask for but in a way that leads to death. They deserve to know who the one true and holy God is who brings eternal life! Join me in prayer that the Lord to encounter people in miraculously ways. Pray for dreams and visions for the older generation of Cambodia that is chained by tradition.

To think I would have missed out on this beautiful place if my original route didn’t get changed, wow. The Lord truly knows what’s best for his children!!