
Welcome to Lydia’s Mission, South Africa!

After spending 6 weeks in Eswatini, our team packed up and headed to South Africa! We spent an entire month, altogether as women, while our two boys were in the Mountains preaching the gospel to unreached villages!

Our schedule consisted of various things!
Gogo centers (GoGo is Zulu for Grandma), Youth ministry, gardening and harvesting green beans, sewing in the sewing center, tending to the chickens and gathering eggs, cleaning eggs and packaging them up to sell, and lots of traveling to and fro city in between!

Bella giving a teaching to the high schoolers on the story of the paralytic man and the importance of who you surround yourself with. 

Green bean tunnels!

Yu-mei and I and packaging green beans and carrots with the ladies on staff after picking them! 

Insane head strength!

Ladies dancing at the GoGo center!

This activity was related to a teaching given by our ministry Host, Claire! We had so much fun with the GoGos!

Turns out the joy of parachutes never get old!

This kitchen in one of the GoGo centers just caught my eye.

Exhibit A, Bri holding a “fat cake.” We had these pretty much every chance we could get our hands on them. They are gooey, fried, delicious balls of dough! Special to South African cuisine.


Movie night always calls for building a fort! 

Pictures from the chicken coop! Everyday, several times, the ladies gather all of the eggs and then take them to the cleaning station and package them based on weight to sell!

Egg delivery in the back of the buckie!


Sewing! This area I was very comfortable in. Since as some of you may remember, sewing was a big part of my fundraiser and childhood. I enjoyed being amongst the ladies and their energy in the sewing room. They are quite the characters, always chatting, filling the room with laughter from sharing stories around the room.

But who knew I would be sewing all the way around the world!

Youth ministry!

Pictured is Portia, she’s the overseer and facilitator of the youth activities and daily Bible study. In this picture she is giving a teaching on the prodigal son! And we had the opportunities to also take turns teaching!


Our team was treated to several traditional South African “braais.” Basically a bbq but essentially with more meat! 

Braai pt. 2 made by the lovely Sharon.

food, food, and more food!

We were so treated and blessed by the hospitality and generosity of our host family during our time at Lydia’s Missions.  

Throughout the week, we would plan and make our own meals. So having these DELICIOUS meals, that were so kindly made for us and served to us was truly a reflection of the Lord and his goodness.

Honorable mentions: 

Scott, by friend and buddy who I made sleep in the same bed as me for a night!
(He’s a snorer by the way.)

A lady on staff so generously wanted to share her lunch we me, I of course said yes and then she opened the container and I —-let’s just say I gasped a little too loud but humbly accepted. Ministry comes in different shapes and forms and sometimes serving the Lord is accepting a chicken foot to express and extend love .

Our team got to experience church in South Africa!🇿🇦 

Ineke, the most lovely person who we eventually came to know as our host “mom.”

Inside her ambient lit home, which always felt so cozy and safe. 💛


The next few pictures are all of beautiful scenery.

We have been surrounded by the Lords creation and reminded of his presence and artistry this whole journey. 



That’s all folks, thank you for keeping up with me. Next up, Vietnam! Can’t wait to see what’s in store—-praying for you all love ya!