
Hey friends!!

I just thought I should give you a little update on all the Lord has been doing and showing me! We serve such an amazing God, and I’m so in awe of His goodness so evident recently. With graduation and my 18th birthday both being this Friday, I’m filled with so many different emotions. My family is coming in town this weekend, and I’m beyond excited to spend time with everyone before I leave in a few short months. Also! I applied for a new passport! It should be coming in the mail soon which is bringing an insane sense of reality to the trip!

Well, 107 days until the first day of training camp!! I can’t believe how fast the days are just flying by! I’ve been getting emotional with how real the trip is becoming. Like seriously? Only 107 days until I leave the comfort of my home, my family, and my dog. 107 days until I get to meet all my squad members that I’ve connected with over social media. 107 days until the missionary high starts, and 107 days until I experience why the Lord has called me to this crazy exciting adventure.

A recent lesson for me has been releasing control. I’ll be the first to admit that I hate flying. Everything about the airport, turbulence, the weird feeling you get in your stomach when you take off, and the high energy and stress that comes with traveling. You might be wondering, then why is she flying overseas halfway across the world to four different countries? To be honest, I’m not sure. Although what I do know, is that I have the kind of peace from God that doesn’t make sense; and that gives me comfort.

I recently spent time with a close friend, and I was explaining to her my hatred for flying. I was sitting here with my friend, in my car, at a random Dairy Queen parking lot around 10pm, we were just giving each other life updates and talking about how God speaks to us all in different ways. As we were sitting there, God gave me this beautiful picture of how flying on an airplane can look a lot like our walk with Him. Having a personal relationship with the Father is beautiful and peaceful like when you fly over fluffy clouds at sunrise/sunset. Sometimes people reject you for your faith. Some people don’t understand the calling God gave you, and call you crazy. We as Christians experience seasons of turbulence. Seasons that feel bumpy and uncomfortable. Walking hand in hand with Jesus can seem like that weird feeling you get in your stomach when you take off. When everything feels new and scary. Like when you have no clue which direction He’s taking you, but there is a weird peace that doesn’t make sense. That feeling when you land in a new place. All the excitement that comes with arriving at a new destination. When you finally understand that sometimes God can take you through turbulence for you to experience the indescribable joy that comes with relying on Him wholeheartedly.

Ultimately the pilot is in control of getting all the passengers to the destination safely and quickly. When you’re sitting in your seat, you have no control over the airplane and where it goes. We have no control over turbulence or storms. I know it might seem a little silly to compare our walk with the Lord to flying in an airplane, but when He gave me this vision it resonated with me. We do not have control over our lives. No matter how much we think we do, we don’t. Think about it, if we don’t have control either way, why are we holding on so tightly to what we think we have?

There is something so beautiful about being on fire for Jesus. A fire brings warmth and light- a sense of comfort in the uncomfortable. How is gold refined? It’s brought to its melting point to bring out all the impurities. Sometimes what seems like our melting point, is when God is refining us to be lovers of His presence. He is our refiner. When we are on fire for Jesus, it gives people a desire for warmth in the cold world we live in. A person on fire doesn’t care what he looks like. A person on fire doesn’t care about what others think. A person on fire is only focused on the flames consuming them. There is such a divine nature found in complete surrender. A beauty found in being consumed by Jesus.

God is so good my friends! I’m not even on the trip yet, and I’ve seen Him work in so many indescribable ways. I already have 15% of my funds raised! Praise God!! I need 40% of the total amount ($17,500) by training, so that means I only need $4,335 left to make that goal! This is crazy!!

A few specific prayer requests would be for my squad members and I as we prepare emotionally, spiritually, and physically for this trip. Also that I will be able to find all the gear I need like a tent, hiking backpack, good shoes, and all the things necessary for making this trip possible 🙂

I want to give a personal thank you to everyone who has supported me both prayerfully and financially. It genuinely means the world to me, and I appreciate every single one of you for joining me in the Great Commission!

If you ever have any questions or would like to meet up sometime, please reach out to me!! I look forward to keeping all of you updated throughout this adventure!

Keep shining for Jesus!

Ashley 🙂