
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet we walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live outthe truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,andthe blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin.”

“Yet I am writing to you a new command; its truth is seen in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.”

1 John 1:5-7 + 2:8

This week has been filled with much excitement and fun, but also a lot of spiritual warfare amongst our team. There is a heavy spirit of darkness and hopelessness that coats this country. I’m typically a very joyful and positive person, but the past couple days have been a battle. The enemy does not like what we are doing here!! This week several people on my team, including myself, got hit with a sickness and have been throwing up. A lot of us are extremely tired even though we get plenty of sleep and have been sabbathing. The past couple days, I’ve felt a spiritual uneasiness and darkness. The enemy is trying to steal my joy, but God is reminding me I am a child of light. I am His. His power will and has overcome any attack of the enemy. Satan wants me to forget who my God is, but I will not. Please join me in praying against the spiritual warfare my team is experiencing right now. The truth is in us! His light is in us and it is already shining! I truly understand that the hope and light people are looking for is inside of me! I am praying for salvations every day. I have a great responsibility to walk in the light. When I take my eyes off Jesus, I forget about His light that is in me. During training camp we would sing the song turn your eyes upon Jesus while we did laundry and it has been ringing in my head. We must live as children of the light. I must die to myself, I must expose every dark part of me to the light, even when it’s uncomfortable. ESPECIALLY when it’s uncomfortable!!! When thedevil tries to grab at me his hand should burn from the light of Christ that has defeated the darkness in me. I am making great strides to allow God to fully heal me, I will be broken for Him, for His people, I will give up my need to understand everything He is doing, I will bring all of my darkness in the light, I will humble myself, WHATEVER IT TAKES to be His light in this darkness.

Lord, let your blood purify the kingdom of Cambodia! Your kingdom come in Cambodia as it is in Heaven! The darkness will not win! We are fighting for light!

Your prayers are essential! Specifically, I’ve been praying for the kids to have a supernatural knowledge and understanding of English. This is a key component to them getting a job that is not sex work. I’vebeen praying for His kindness to draw the lost people to the repentance. I’ve been praying that God would reveal Himself to them in supernatural, undeniable ways. I’ve been praying that these kids would experience the unconditional love of Jesus through my team and the staff of the school.

I know that might have been heavy to read, but it is reality! We cannot simply turn away and shut our eyes to this darkness, we must be on guard and fight against it. With all that being said, I still would love to share with you some more fun updates <3

This week we had a soccer game at the beach against another school, and our teams won both games! We all swam in the ocean together, we saw monkeys steal drinks from people! I was asked by our ministry host to lead worship for our worship nights this week and that was such a powerful time!(if you’dlike to see a coolvideo of our ministry host translating my prayer in Khmer, check out my Facebook!!) I’ve become more comfortable playing with the kids, and God has really stretched me in new ways! One of the girls made me a name tag and she put, I love you, on it and it melted my heart 🙂 I’ve had kids run up and give me big hugs when they see me, which has been so sweet since I am not typically a person that kids gravitate to. I got to help finish up a room we painted by painting bible verses that correlated with the art on the walls. Our team has had so much fun together, playing games, soccer, laughing with each other, telling stories, singing some karaoke. I got a reeeeeally bad sunburn, and that’s been cause for some laughter! I’m excited to celebrate my birthday here on Sunday! I love this place and these people so much. As always enjoy some fun photos!!