
There is an urgency to the gospel.

All must know the name of Jesus. Simply put, every person I encounter is either going to heaven or hell? Do I live a life that reflects that I know this truth. The Lord is the one moving and I just need to be an open vessel for him to use. Am I willing to have a few seconds of awkwardness for the sake of someone’s eternity? Every nation, tribe, and tongue includes the women walking to get water in a remote village of Africa but it also includes the man next to me in the elevator in America. Think about what it would it would look like for each of us to live a life of urgency in the place the Lord has put us?

Yes our actions should always be pointing to Christ, but are we afraid to verbally share the gospel with someone? What would it look like to step out in boldness in the grocery store or to the next door neighbour. Life is so much better with the Lord and we should eagerly invite others to the wedding day feast that’s approaching!

Also, throughout my time in Swazi the Lord has been breaking my heart for what breaks his. Swazi is a broken place where violence is unfortunately a common response to many situations. Families are split up and kids often grow up raising themselves or having their grandparents raise them. Brokenness is evident but so is the Lord! How beautiful that our squad got to spend a season of life loving on these kids and living in the overflow of Christ’s love for them! Jesus’ heart is for the children and his love is going to change the generations of Swaziland! Seeds were planted during our time here and even if we don’t get to see all the fruit produced the Lord is going to water! Prayer is so powerful and it’s something that we are invited into whether we are holding the sleeping child at the care point or halfway around the world from all their smiling faces. Please join me in prayer for the country of Swazi, for the kids at the care points and the shepherds who take care of them. Pray for the Lord to reveal himself in new ways and to soften hearts to the true love of the Father!

Update: My team leaves for Lesotho tomorrow and I am so expectant of how the Lord’s going to move! We won’t have service for our time there which is honestly a really exciting way to finish out the race. I’ll be home in less than 50 days!