Wow! This last week has been absolutely crazy but so so good! I’ll try to recap it the best that I can but it’s been so busy! To start we got here last Saturday and I finally got to meet everyone on my squad! I already love every single one of them so much and we really are just one big family! As far as the rest of training camp goes it has been super challenging and hard but it’s preparing us for the field so the challenges are so worth it!
Our everyday life is us sleeping in tents which might not sound amazing but is actually so fun once you get used to it! We wash our own laundry in buckets and hang it up to dry. We’ve also had the blessing of learning to take bucket showers! Bucket showers are literally where you fill a bucket with water and then use a little cup to dump it on you. I know that might not sound like a blessing but it’s actually so fun and so refreshing after being all hot and sweaty! We also have lots of sessions everyday where we’ve been able to learn a lot of things about the Holy Spirit, unity, our identity as Christian’s, and what truth is.
One of my favorite things that we do is worship! I’ve always loved worship and had a heart for it but the worship here is just so different and free! They’re very intentional to leave space for the Holy Spirit to move and work and to just let people worship in whatever way they want to! That can look so different for everyone from standing, to kneeling, to dancing, and shouting. It’s incredible to see so many young adults absolutely on fire for the Lord and worshipping him with their everything!
While this is more of the daily stuff we do we’ve also done lots of crazy scenarios to really prepare us for life on the field. Our first scenario was packing up all of our stuff early in the morning for a pretend travel day. What we didn’t know was that half of our stuff would get “lost” at the airport and those that still had their stuff would have to share with those that didn’t have anything. This was actually pretty fun and helped us bond a lot! We also did a culture day where we had to pretend we were in Indonesia and dress/act like that all day. We wore long skirts/dresses for girls and pants for guys. With culture day all our meals were from other countries so for a Guatemalan breakfast we had eggs, beans, tortilla chips, and plantains. Lunch was an African favorite jam and cheeses sandwiches, and dinner was an India coconut chicken curry. Yesterday we had a 2 hour women’s physical fitness activity that was incredibly challenging but really strengthened our squad as a whole!
The Lord has been so so good this week and I’ve grown so much in my relationship with him! It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week! We’ve talked a lot about being set on fire for the Lord and I truly feel set on fire! We’ve also felt so clearly that the Lord has anointed our squad with a crazy joy for the Lord which is so beautiful and evident!
Prayers requests for this week would be for strength to continue to train and to learn! For rest and good health as many of us (including me) are getting sick. Prayers that the Lord would continue to keep the fire burning in us and keep our squad joyful!
Your prayers mean so much to me! Thank you for reading and following along!