

we was throwing our caps up into the air. A year ago we had all these bigs plans after high school go to college, make new friends, get a new job, get married, and start a family. 

a year ago I helped out with my first ever FCA camp. I fell in love with serving and ministry. A year ago I had no clue what I wanted to do after high school. I was honestly clueless. A year ago I quit my job and helped out with 5 camps last summer. I went out all out in Faith. A year ago at this time I was in Knoxville, TN helping out with FCA Basketball camp. As I look back on from a year ago everything is so much different. 


Saturday I left for camp to be a huddle leader for FCA Basketball camp again for the second year.

If anyone knows me I love FCA camp. FCA has had such a big impact on my life since I was a little girl. I’m always thankful that I get to pour into different kids of all ages and backgrounds through FCA. 

If anyone knows me or a little part of my testimony I love basketball. It’s been a part of my life since I was a little girl and nothing better than getting to be surrounded by basketball, but pouring into high schoolers about Jesus.

Around 3 in the morning Monday I woke up extremely sick and called my parents crying because I knew something was wrong with me.This was the same day the campers were getting here I went to Covenant Health and came to find out I ended up having kidney stones. I was completely heartbroken because I have been looking forward to this camp since last year. My mom drove 5 and half hours to Johnson University where I was at to get me. She’s literally the best. 

I always tell people I come into contact with “God has a plan when we can’t even see it or understand it.”

I don’t understand why, but I still say “My God is so good still.” God knows how much I love FCA basketball camp, but there’s a reason why I’m going through this when I can’t even understand and sometimes even ask myself “Why?” “why now?” “why during my favorite time of the year?”, but my “why” will turn into joy. my “why” will turn to laughter. my “why” will turn into “now I know why I went through this” 

As I look back on pictures it makes my heart hurt because I was expecting to be out there with my girls this week, cheering them on, pouring into them, and just simply getting closer to them, but I will always remember God has a plan for everything even when we don’t understand. My God is so good and faithful and thankful I made amazing friendships and so excited about how the Lord is going to use them for his kingdom. 

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will.”

John 13:7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”


“So I will praise You on the mountain
And I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way
You’re the summit where my feet are
So I will praise You in the valleys all the same
No less God within the shadows
No less faithful when the night leads me astray
You’re the heaven where my heart is
In the highlands and the heartache all the same”

Less than 48 hours after I got home I would find out one of my close friends had suddenly passed away. I have no words, but these last couple of days have shown me how much Noah was loved. Noah was so full of life, how much he cared for everyone, was energetic, and loved everyone. 

As I said earlier sometimes we don’t understand, but I trust God no matter how bad it hurts, how many tears I, how many people text me, phone calls. I will praise my God through the mountains. He’s the summit where my feet are, he’s the Heaven where my heart is. Jesus doesn’t just observe our grief; He enters it with us. If anyone is reading this dealing with any hurt. Jesus sees your hurt, he sees your anger, he sees your tears. our loss is great, but our God is greater. 

It’s so weird to think how a year ago is different from now.

I’m praying for everyone who is hurting. I’m praying for our community, Noah’s family, Kyler’s family, and friends.