I wanted to share about the ministry my whole squad did for the past month, our daily life, and what I learned during this time!
Every team served at a Care point which is a place where kids ( infant to high school ) go to after school to play on a playground, sing songs, learn simple Bible lessons and have a meal. The meal they ate was a rice mixture that came from the boxes “ feed my starving children “. This meal may be the only one they get that day. We learned that often the parents ( or grandparents) of the house worked early hours and were asleep by the time the kids get home from school so these kids often take care of themselves. Because of this a lot of the kids had short tempers and would pick fights, not because they’re bad people, but it’s built into their mindset that they have to fend for themselves. Very eye opening. Realizing that there is always more to the story than we are seeing.
Each carepoint is ran by a young adult that they call the Sheppard of the carepoint! Our Sherpard’s name was Happiness! She is the one who organizes everything and give us tasks to do such a weeding, sweeping the church, cleaning the chairs, and taking us to houses in the village ! Unfortunately the kids only get to the carepoint at 2:30pm, when we are there from 10am- 3:30pm.
Even with the short time with them we built many relationships! I had a small pod of kids that knew my name and I had a study routine with. This started off with me pushing them across the zip line part of the playground for about 20 minute. Then we would do a few dances together and eventually sit down for them to draw in my notebook. I’m going to miss those kids a ton!
After ministry we picked up another team then would stop at the one gas station store that’s within our range. I had a cheap ice cream bar nearly everyday. I had to.
I would often read while I waited for dinner. Dinner was 1 of 5 options and I would always hope it’s either chicken salad or rice and chicken. Post dinner we had team time and then everyone usually played card games, which I’m not a fan of so I usually just made popcorn and talked with friends! Having our entire squad living together was such a blessing that I definitely wanted to take advantage of !
Early on in this country I powered my phone off completely. I did this so I could focus only on the Lord and not have music, podcasts, or the want to take pictures distract me. It was not easy. Even without service I can say I am addicted to my phone. But after a few days of not having it I felt so free. I only read the Bible or Christan books and could not escape to my phone. While reading a book called “ why I do the things I don’t want to do” I felt the deep rooted conviction that I have pride. I may not outwardly express arrogance as people may expect, but my confidence has not been completely from the Lord, it’s been from a route of pride. I brought this to the Lord and was met with grace and mercy! But I knew I needed to deal with it more hands on. So I brought it to my team, leader and mentor. They gave me practical ways to become a better leader, one who doesn’t operate out of pride! Being able to confer these things and bring them into the light made all the difference for me! I am free!!
During the weekend of Easter my squad hosted an “encounter weekend”. This was 48 hours straight of worship, teachings, scripture reading, and praying. Each hour was lead by a different person. I wanted to be in the room where it happened as long as a I could, so during the 48 hours I only slept a few times for only 1 or 2 hours at a time. Otherwise I was just devoting myself to Him. A few testimonies I have from that night:
There was a time where we were praying for a certain group of people and as I was praying I realized that I also fit into the category and needed prayer. I went outside and just talked to the Lord, confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness. I felt so free from this sin that I had nearly forgot was a part of my story. Afterwards I felt so much joy from the Lord, joy similarly to when He freed my of my depression and anxiety back in September! I went back inside and confessed it all to my leader Kara and we got to pray together! Praise the Lord!
Another testimony I have is when I lead a deep dive of scripture on John 15. John 15 is a chapter that I am very familiar with because my summer camp, camp spalding , using that chapter often! But as I read multiple commentaries on it I gained so much knowledge and everything makes a little bit more sense now! It’s amazing how no matter how much I read something, there is always more knowledge to gain!
Overall Eswatini was a country that held a lot of pure joy, growth, and praising! I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to live and serve where I was!
Fun highlights:
⁃ Squad wiffleball games !
⁃ When the power & water stopped working the night before PVT
⁃ my team made homemade mcFlurry’s to fill our cravings
⁃ Mcnick catching a baby black mamba ( extreamly dangerous) and I touched it
⁃ PVT ( parent vision trip ) where I spent a week with my mom
⁃ I read 4 books
⁃ Our weekend visa run to St. Lucia, South Africa where I had amazing stake bbq by the boys ( shout out Doug and Nick)
⁃ Swimming in the ocean in the pouring rain in St. Lucia