
hey y’all!

I’m so excited to be writing this in Africa!! I feel like i’ve been anticipating this part of my journey ever since finding out about the countries my team was traveling to, so just getting to be apart of the beautiful life here has been so special! I wanted to give just a little update of what my team has been up to so far. We’ve had about a month of living here with a full squad and doing ministry, and the days here have been so full of life and learning and seem to pass by so quickly! 

We started our journey off within a couple minutes from Jeffreys Bay city. As a full squad we stayed at the Global Leadership Academy host house. GLA is really similar to World race except founded in Jay Bay Africa! Our hosts’ names are Wendy, Rain and Anita and they have been so welcoming throughout our stay here!

All of our teams within the squad splits up into different ministries in the morning, and then we all get back together at the end of the day for dinner. My team has got to experience a lot of different types of ministries being here in Africa. We started out helping out at the Youth event our ministry host, Pastor Alfred puts on every afternoon and morning for the youth of the community. Reflecting back on the race a lot of our ministry has been blessed with working with younger kids. But even in that similarity it’s been getting cool to get to take back different experiences from each place. We have walked into a school classroom with kids in desks holding pencils and books but also on top of tarps under the hot sun with laughing kids underneath palm leaves. Throughout it all, the Lord has been walking alongside us, showing us new things through the kids and giving us boldness in teaching them more about His love for them.

The Youth event started in the morning, and was similar to a Sunday school program. We got the opportunity to get to take over more of the program together as a team. We helped them memorize the memory verse of the week, played ice breaker games, did a Bible story skit and made sure to dance with them everyday! Getting to feel the energy these kids brought into the room every day and getting to laugh and dance alongside them was so fun! In the afternoon we did another program for the older kids, and that looked like discussing Bible stories and verses in groups, playing games and just getting to engage with the kids there. My experience with the youth programs was a blessing!!

Like I mentioned earlier, our ministry in Africa has been a variety of types. From weeding and gardening in front of Jackson High School to helping cook and clean for the squad in the kitchen, the Lord has been providing so many types of serving opportunities, whether that’s for the beautiful community in Jay Bay or our own squad. Something unique I’ve gotten to do for ministry with my team is something called ATL – ask the Lord. We pray at the beginning of the day where the Lord wants to take us that day in the community. Whether that’s going on a prayer walk on the beach or going up to people in the city to pray for, or talk about Jesus’ love and connect! This for sure was one of the more stretching ministries I’ve done, but through this experience I’ve learned the importance of uncomfortability within sharing the gospel. Everybody has a story, and all of them are a little different in some sort of way. Most often times, that story wants to be heard, and that is why I’ve learned it is important to ask, even a stranger. But just like we hold their stories that are shared, we also hold Christ’s. With that beautiful responsibility, we must also tell that story to the lost and a let it be a reminder to the saved. Within all the beautiful stories I hold, i know that is the most powerful, one I as Christian must steward even admits the uncomfortability, which the Lord is continuing to teach me.

This past week has been a little bit of a change for our squad, the two boys teams left for Lesotho last Tuesday to help build a church in that area and do more ministry. Prayers for them during their time there and safety would be appreciated! They will be staying there for the remainder of the month we have left in Africa! Go team!! 

Our girl’s teams have moved from the GLA host house to their main home, now about an hour from Jeffrey Bay city. Some of our ministry activities have changed including my teams, and we are now taking place as assistant teachers at a nearby primary school where one of the guys teams used to work at. Our time there hasn’t been too long but I already feel close to the kids in my class and their teacher. I get first graders again! Their big smiles and our rock paper matches are my favorite!!

As you guys know I am still fundraising, and have already felt SO blessed by your prayers and generosity during my time on the race. I wouldn’t be able to encourage and bring the good news to these people if it wasn’t for you!

I am still actively trying to fundraise and have funded 73% so far! Wahoo 🥳

I currently still have $ 4,285 to go!! If you feel led to give towards my missions my link to my personal fundraising page is:

fundraising link!

I just want to thank you all so much for your generous support and prayers for me and my team,  anything is greatly appreciated. I believe God is so faithful through all the steps of my trip including fundraising!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our ministry and life so far here in Africa, the Lord has been so good during our time here and is faithful to His promises!

Until the next Blog! Peace!  Jesus Loves You!

Lots of love,  maddie