
Some of my daily haiku (poetry in 17 syllables) from our time in Albania! It will mean a lot to me if you leave a comment about one you enjoyed or have a question about!

We drive to Turkey on Tuesday; please pray for safe travel!


our first Race snowfall

our first Albanian day

our hosts join team time


white mountains surround

memorials to the lost

young men forced to fight


compete with locals

vibrant Uno cards pile up

crowd applauds Olta


chocolate mustache

stops crying for her parents

we rinse out her cup


forest of stone cliffs

monasteries top the spires

golden Sun lights Greece


beer, giant pizzas

discussion of religions

layered birthday cake


admit I’m struggling

several times through the day

lightening each time


pub night with two priests

unmatched zing of fresh feta

delicious ice cream


exposed stone and brick

bean bags and couches all filled

discussing Christ’s joy


I can make each drink

coffee culture has allure

with its own lingo


winding up we drive

mountains in all directions

village among stones


snow piles on the mosque

local offers a Quran

men kneel before God


guest preacher from States

invites congregation up

to receive healing


a call with a friend

is what makes me feel normal

like this is real life


make Mateo’s toast

apply the mystery sauce

he decodes label


firearms adorn walls

wood furniture, hot kakao

Bradbury discourse


full from cookie dough

hairy red rug-like blanket

wood stove grants warm feet


no experience

I ride the lift to the top

child helps me ski down


craft with too much glue

a balloon that can’t touch ground

God delights in kids


blue-green unstill lake

tall, snowcapped distant shoreline

a surreal landscape


cold, hungry they come

squeeze lemons in their hot soup

juice freezes my hands


watery paint streaks

nebula forms on canvas

light from the darkness


couch and tables cleared

standing room for worshippers

crowd gathers, lights dim


curious students

asking us about Europe

through my tablet screen


raucous but charming

insists his drinks here are free

fix him a Turkish


stench of minerals

itch of warm pools on raw feet

wonderful, the same


George and his dragon

icon I now understand

allusion to Christ


museum hopping

asked why he hung with sinners,

Christ said it brought joy


handing off guitar

turns strumming classic rock riffs

old hobby, new friend


4 and 5 years old

record stories on my phone

send tales to squadmates


create characters

twice the turnout I expect

we roll dice, share laughs


large group discussion

made worlds better when co-led

hearts and minds improved


personal invites

for donors to send questions

hours writing replies


degrees slowly drop

as we spend hours discussing

our meliorism


single headlamp guides

seven of us out the cave

one light, huge impact


we contribute fruit

homemade foods fill the table

post-church communion


jelly bean array

some tasty, some sickening

the worst flavor: snail


Sophie’s fresh sourdough

not ill, but the soup provides

rest and recovery


crêpes and Gospel

a good friend deserves to hear

what motivates me


we’ve each come prepared

with words to build and challenge

over French cuisine


last ride together

sunny capital city

say surreal farewells


a friend needs insight

“now let peace be your compass

and love be your sails”


free transport and meal

lodging at haggled discount

God always provides


sideline street dogs watch

we kick up rubber turf bits

God brought us brothers


chance new friend to love

smooth stone stairs overlook sea

shawarma, Gospel


find the right question

get conversation flowing

hand them an invite


cranberry seed cake

chocolate flakes on whipped cream




read through in one afternoon

team games perspective


rain pitters aloft

pull bones and eyes from our fish

a turkey struts by


ferry is delayed

I rush around the slick deck

playing hide and seek


berry gelato

fresh mozzarella pizza

taste of Italy


our mission to bless

missionaries round the globe

yet here they bless us


a cord for our net

the shuttlecock doesn’t mind

teach him a new sport


slideshow about us

group games before dinner spread

traditional dance


finish their cheesecakes

lean in over the table

asking me tough ones


four bags of fresh fruit

we bless locals as we go

reaping sidewalk smiles


clay and stones worn smooth

clamber Adriatic cliff

cape of Paul’s mission


The entirety of this blog and its contents were written and published without any AI assistance.