
Hey hey!

I have a HUGE announcement to share…..I’M GOING ON THE WORLD RACE: GAP YEAR!! This is a 9 month mission trip, across 4 different countries, starting next August. I am honored to have this opportunity and would love to share how this whole journey started. First, however, I would like to say, “welcome.” Welcome to my blog:). This is where you will find updates as I prepare for launch, as well as while I’m on the field. I’ll share stories of what God is doing in my life and I’ll also share ways you can join in supporting what God is doing in this journey.

Now…..How did I get here? Why am I going?

The answer is quite simple:

“I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.'” ~Isaiah 6:8                                                                                                                                                                                                Since I was very little, I felt the call to go–all over the world, wherever He would send me. So, for years, I have told the Lord, “Here I am! Send me,” and here I am, being sent. To the ends of the earth. To new people. To grow. To love. To learn. To break and to be rebuilt…God is so, very, faithful.

In 2020, there was a girl from my church who went on the Race. At the time, I thought it was cool but, being only 13, I couldn’t seriously pursue it. So, I put it out of my mind. I still had the call to be a missionary, but didn’t really know what that would look like. I worked hard and desired to get good grades, as I didn’t know if college was part of God’s plan for me. Over the next few years I thought about missions colleges, but didn’t feel right about any of them. Then came April of 2023–an incredibly momentous month for me. This was a time when I experienced the Lord in ways I never had before. One of these momentous events was when the Lord, all of a sudden, out of the blue, RANDOMLY, brings to mind the World Race. So, I looked it up. I was researching and researching and became filled with such passion. The Lord told me the Race was for me, and I’ve stood on this promise ever since.

I couldn’t officially apply until July of this year. When it came time, I stood on God’s promise and was accepted into the program. Our God is so faithful!!

This is just a piece of the story God is giving me, but I am beyond thrilled to share it with all of you :).

Thank you so much for reading. I would be so grateful to have all of you come alongside me in praying for this–lifting up my teammates, the people we will partner with, the people we will minister to, and the upcoming fundraising journey.

If you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to meet up to chat about what the Lord is doing, don’t hesitate to reach out!



If the Lord is already compelling you to give financially, the link below will take you directly to my support page, where you can choose different ways to donate, and where you can follow along with my fundraising progress.


Thanks again:)


With much love,

~Marissa Nappier






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