
1|22|2024 (Monday)

Today was not one of my best days, but the Lord was able to work through it and show me some things. The spiritual stronghold is definitely different here than in Asia, but it took a little while for our squad to realize the depth of it.

See, it doesn’t take much to distract people, and for us it was in the form of shops, food, and the beach. Now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying life, surfing and all that good stuff, but when it starts to slowly consume you and take you out of the depths of the ocean of God’s love and onto the shifting sand of the world that’s just no good now is it?

One of my favorite songs right now is called Ankle-Deep by Bachtel and if you haven’t listened to it you definitely should, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make right now.

In the song it says, “I am not content with ankle-deep, I am not content until you fully consume all of me.” Are we settling for the temporary contentment of having both of our feet in the water of His love but our head in the stagnant air of the world? Let us not settle, but continue to allow God to fully consume our whole being each and every day, and to be content in Him and Him alone.

This hit me so hard, because with being consumed in His love comes being consumed with everything good and bad that comes with being a follower of Jesus. We just have to allow ourselves to not be content to settle with everything this world has to offer. Let us not be tranquilized by the slow death this life has to give, but to wake up and taste the goodness of serving the Lord.


With love,

Gracie Yoder