
After a 10 hour double decker bus from chiang mai to Bangkok, a 12 hour flight to Amsterdam, 1 hour to Paris, 8 hours to Atlanta, and 4 hours to Phoenix, we made it home!

My team and I had to say our goodbyes. It was very hard to think that those were the last moments we would all spend together in the same place. A total of 22 amazing, Christ centered, kind people. We went through the fun, exciting, hard and tough things together these last two months.

This is one of the rooms in the bookhouse in which we reorganized too to bottom.

The team got to make a fun canvas hand painting for our wonderful friend Apen who we worked with at the warehouse and bookhouse everyday. She took time to get to know us and always had kind words to say.

Here is a photo of Kendall (our ministry host and owner of ActsCo) and his wonderful wife Zeneeta.


After our final day of ministry we ate dinner on the roof with a pretty view- a reminder of the rainbow after the storm.🌈

Photo of Alyssa, me, and Tiana during our team time getting desserts.

We got to reunite with our entire team. Here is a photo of Cassie and I seeing each other again after 3 weeks.

Went to the night market with Alisa, Danielle, Mak, Maren, and Kiera.

Cassie, Ian and I hosted final debrief dinner. We decided to dress up all fancy and award our team with superlatives.

After our dinner we went to return the suits where we got to sit with Raj. We got to hear his amazing testimony and pray over him. This relationship was God sent!

Before leaving Chiang Mai we did one last activity. We all ran around the city for a scan after hunt. Our objectives were to take photos in front of certain things and have strangers take photos of the entire team.


In the last moments before we got in a car to take us to the bus station, I got to talk with Pk and her mom Paula. From the moment I met them they were so unbelievably kind. They watched as we had group worship and teachings. Paula said we gave her hope. We prayed together, and cried, and prayed some more. This is another relationship sent from heaven.

We made it to Amsterdam and had a very long layover so we got to explore the city center and walk down to the Singel Canal.

I am home now and have a lot ahead of me these next few days as I move into my new apartment, get back to work, and debrief this trip. I would love prayers over the next few days to have the energy to do all this and to be able to take the time to reflect on the last two months.

Please pray for my team as well as some people have not yet made it home, or bags were lost.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog and supporting me along the way. This experience was the best experience of my life and I cannot wait to go out and share more of what God has showed me on this trip, How he was moving in my life and around me, and just the cultural experiences I got to have.