We went into this revival night feeling exhausted, drained, and wanting to just go to bed, but we came out feeling energized, excited, and hopeful!! Normally, the worship team is up on the stage, … Read more about Revival: The Joy of the Lord
Simulations: Market
Here's the scenario: We're travelling by bus, and it stops for 15 minutes. This will be the only time it stops, so now's our only chance to buy dinner. We pile out to see 8 tables set up … Read more about Simulations: Market
Simulations: The Lost Bags
A big part of why I signed up for the World Race was the scenario trainings (simulations)! Throughout our whole time here, we'll randomly be told that we're supposed to take part in a simulation. … Read more about Simulations: The Lost Bags
Camping Truths
Hi everybody! Sorry for the wait, I was camping all of last week, but I've got something amazing to share! I spend most of my camping trips reading, which is maybe a little odd but I love it so … Read more about Camping Truths