It's been over 2 months since the landslide, and, now that it's no longer quite as fresh, I feel like I can look back on it and say, "That was hard, but God is good, and He's already redeeming … Read more about He Works All Things for Our Good
The Spiritual Side of Hiking Acatenango
I wanted to set aside a blog post to tell you all what God was doing as I hiked Acatenago and what He was teaching me, because as amazing as the view was, it was nothing compared to what God taught me … Read more about The Spiritual Side of Hiking Acatenango
Emotions and Spiritual Life
This has been a multiple day learning process, navigating the highs and lows of living with Jesus, but I wouldn't have it any other way! But first, before we dive in deep, some context! On … Read more about Emotions and Spiritual Life
Tuesday’s Birdhouse Ministry!
I promised to share more in depth what we do at the Birdhouse Ministry on Tuesdays, and we just had our first "normal" Ministry day yesterday, which means, of course, I have to write a blog on … Read more about Tuesday’s Birdhouse Ministry!
Speak Life!
So, as I've told you all before, on Thursdays, instead of doing normal ministry, we get a lesson, followed by debrief and activation, and I wanted to give you all a sample of one of them! Last … Read more about Speak Life!
Guatemala: Week 2-4
I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I shared, but I was sick for the past week and stranded from wifi, so there's been no way to post. Don't worry, I'm better now, and it was just a mild … Read more about Guatemala: Week 2-4
Guatemalan Ministry!
I want to start this off by saying that I will only be sharing what my team does for ministry, but we all do so many things that this is in no way an extensive list of everything we do while we'e … Read more about Guatemalan Ministry!
Struggles: The Aftermath
While we are all still so thankful to be alive after the landslide, the truth is that we're still struggling to live fully. Now, not everyone on the Squad is struggling with PTSD or living in fear, … Read more about Struggles: The Aftermath
The First Debrief
Okay, so, the whole point of having a week of debrief is to process what happened during domestic ministry and... to rest up before we leave for Guatemala. So, as a result, not a lot happened this … Read more about The First Debrief