
*Before I get into my blog I just wanted to say that I FINALLY figured out how to add everyone’s emails to this new platform haha. So if you got a weird email saying you’ve subscribed to a newsletter or something.. don’t worry, that was me! You should now be getting an email right when I post a blog. 🙂



I’m back! Not only am I back in Guatemala but I’m also back with Worship Room/Hope and I’m back living in San Antonio Aguas Calientes.


Rewind to March and April of 2021. My original squad (H squad) was in Guatemala. My team, at the time, got to partner with Worship Room and Hope (Hope is Worship Room’s kids program) for ministry. And here I am, back with this incredible ministry and even more incredible people! How sweet and kind of the Lord. It is an actual gift and an answer to prayer to be back with these friends of mine.


I have been blessed and encouraged to see the insane amount of growth and provision the Lord has brought over the last 3 years for this ministry, as well as my friends who lead it. The testimonies they’ve shared about how to Lord has worked/moved in their individual lives as well as, in the ministry over the last 3 years has been so encouraging to hear.

I have been so impacted by being back in this community of believers and getting to do daily life with them again. These are people who seek the Lord and testify to His goodness each and every day. This group of people, 3 years ago, was my first example of what it looked like to live in community in a God fearing way. They are one of the best images of what it means to be “the body of Christ” I think I’ve ever seen. They support, empower and uplift, lean on one another and so much more. Something they do without hesitation is they accept anyone and everyone into their community at any time. They are so kind and so loving. They truly feel like family to me and I will always be grateful for any amount of time I get with them. Just feeling really grateful to know them and be in their space again!! <3



This time in Guatemala looks a little different from when I was here on the race. The schedule is more full because the ministries are doing more and have grown (praise the Lord). I also have weekly responsibilities that pertain to my squad leader role. My week is full and busy but it also gives me so much life. I am occasionally tired physically but my heart and soul are alive!

Right now, I’m with 1 of the 2 teams of F squad. Their team name is Happy Feet. This team is made up of 6 people (1 guy and 5 girls). This team is so much fun to be with. They are passionate about the word and hungry to know the Lord more. They are deep and curious individuals. They often times have deep conversations and they love to ask questions (they get my wheels turning for sure haha)! They love and serve others well and they see people through the eyes of the Father.

Here is a picture of them:

From left to right: Patricia, Payton, Bella, Alexa, Mazi, Noah



Something else I wanted to add to this blog is what my weekly schedule looks like. I don’t post a ton of pictures of ministry because honestly I forget to take them or I don’t have my phone. So, for those who are curious what I do each day, here’s a little run down of my week.


Monday – SQL day

Squad Leader day with Lexy (my co leader) . Monday is a day we don’t go to ministry with the squad. On this day we connect with our squad mentor and coaches (in the states) by having a video call for a few hours. We check in with one another and talk about life on the field, etc. Lexy and I also use this time to do some of the other tasks that come with squad leading that we don’t have time to do during the other days of the week. Monday’s tend to be really busy days, but they are so good! I’m so glad Lexy and I get to meet up and be together on these days. It’s a sweet space to fellowship together as a team.


Tuesday – Bible Study & VBS

We start the morning with a Bible study and worship in the garden. The garden is where the Hope program meets. After Bible study, we do house visits. House visits is where we ask the Lord where he wants us to go or who he wants us to talk to and then we go. We usually end up talking to and praying for families in the community here in San Antonio.

In the afternoon we have VBS! It’s so fun to hangout with and love on the kids here. There’s three different groups of kids usually. They split them up according to age. There’s a little kids group, an older kids group and a preteen/teen group. The Guatemalans here that run the ministry are the ones who lead everything most of the time. We are just here to love on the kids, be extra eyes and bring new ideas.


*I love that the Guatemalans here are so devoted to all that the Lord is doing in and through this ministry. They love these kids so much and so well! They really pour their hearts out for these kids and believe in all the Lord is doing. The fruit that comes from this ministry shows it! I see the Lord’s character in new ways just by being in their space and seeing them live their lives for Him.


Wednesday – Bible studies and Music Classes!

In the mornings we go to gender-specific Bible studies. The women’s Bible study is called Flourish. I was also a part of this Bible study 3 years ago when I was here in Guatemala. This group of women is so encouraging and a blessing to be with and get poured into by. These women have hearts sold out for the Lord and are always ready to talk about all that He is doing in their lives. He is so faithful through this group!

In the afternoons we go to the garden for women’s Bible study and music classes. The women’s Bible study is for the moms of the children in the Hope program. It is a miracle that this group is a thing y’all. Not only is it a thing, but it’s thriving! The Lord is doing so much in the lives of these women. My heart has been so encouraged and full of hope and joy just by seeing it take place! Shout out to my great friend Jamey (who was on my original world race squad) for leading this Bible study for these sweet moms each week! <3

The music classes are for the preteens/teenagers who are in Hope. They get to learn how to play instruments from a couple of the men who lead the Hope program. The heart of having these music classes available for these teens is to raise up worship leaders. It is an incredible ministry.


Thursday – Prayer & Worship Room

We start in the morning in the prayer room where we intercede for Israel. This has become one of my most favorite times of the week!

In the evening we are with Worship Room. Worship Room is a night of worship that is hosted in a coffee shop in Antigua. This is a time and space for worshiping and encountering the Lord. The Holy Spirit is moving so much in this space! Different people each week lead worship and intercede throughout the night.


Friday – Soccer Day

The mornings we get to join the teens in their soccer practice and scrimmages. It is SO MUCH FUN. Hope is partnered with FCA for this and they’ve actually created soccer teams for the kids that they get to go compete in soccer games each month. There is also a weekly devo with the teens during this time.

The afternoons are also full of soccer. This time frame is for the 5-12 year old’s to get to practice/play soccer and have fellowship with each other. The older group of kids gets to practice and scrimmage and some of the teens come to help! They also have a devo time (similar to the teens in the morning). The younger kids have another VBS type of day. They do stretches, sing songs, have devo, play games and play soccer (if they want to). It is a fun day for everyone! 🙂


Saturday and Sunday – these days are our time to sabbath and adventure. Usually I choose Saturday and my sabbath and Sunday as my adventure day. Both days look different each week! 🙂




It’s a blessing from the Lord to be back here! I hope this blog gave y’all a little more insight to what my week looks like in ministry here. There are lots of other things about my week that aren’t included but if you’re curious and want to know more, please reach out!




Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying for me (I know so many of you are) and for those of you who have supported me financially. I really appreciate all of y’all’s support!


Update on fundraising: I’m currently at $1440 out of $7500

If you feel lead to support me financially and be a part of all that the Lord is doing, my fundraising link will be below.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my long blog posts (I’m trying to be better about the length but apparently I’m wordy)! I love y’all!

Brianne <3

