
In case you haven’t heard, I am back in Oklahoma!
Man I am feeling such a mix of emotions. I am so grateful that the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to go across the world to spread His love and Gospel. I smile as I grieve. What sweet memories I get to cherish for the rest of my life. What wonderful friends I get to call mine for the rest of my eternity. So many seeds God entrusted me to plant and used me to water. I have so many stories, way too many to type here, but if you would like to hear about my trip please reach out or comment and we’ll set up a time! I am thankful beyond words to each of you for supporting me and making a way for me to go on this trip.
As I’ve started to see my friends back home it’s been so bittersweet. Each reunion is so joyful, but it’s an overwhelming reality that my trip is done. I’ve already begun preparing for the upcoming semester, preparing for my campus bible study, accepting planning center requests (which I am SO excited for), making a master schedule for the fall, responding to my school email. All the things that make the end of this trip real.
But I don’t want to let the devastating separation of H-Squad, and arrival back in America make me spiral down. I will use it as a launchpad. I will allow myself to grieve as I implement the teachings I’ve learned to awaken Oklahoma to the power of the Gospel. I will teach my small group girls the things I’ve learned, and I will be expectant to learn from them as well. I am expectant for God to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ever ask, think or imagine right here in OK just as He did in Asia and just like He’s always done.

-please keep my entire squad in your prayers as we transition back to life in America after such a life changing experience
-for a continued fire to desperately chase after the presence of God
-a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit
-that I would work on all the things the Lord has revealed to me this summer
-lastly, join with me in praying against the spirits of darkness that cover America. The enemy is at work here too

Thank you so much for following along on this marvelous, crazy adventure. I love you all so deeply,