
I’m back in the states! In 13 days I’ll be hugging my family🍦

There’s so many emotions that come with being back in America, and so many more feelings that come with going back home in just a few days, here’s some of my thoughts.

  • how have I changed and will prescott still have a place for me?
  • how will I continue to live a life on fire for the Lord back in my hometown?
  • am I walking away from Christian relationships in AIM that I’m meant to stay a part art of?
  • Will I ever have this kind of community again?
  • If and when is God calling me back onto the mission field?

There’s so many thoughts that arise with leaving these countries and people that I’ve come to love. There is so much life beyond the typical American lifestyle, and even in a short 9 months I’ve fallen more and more in love with Jesus and out of love with the things of this world. I now define a good day by the amount of time I spent with the Lord and how I got to serve Him, instead of what outfit I wore or if I got a chance to go to Target to just walk around. My heart desires to live a life for the Kingdom, in constant awe of the Lord and I want to listen to His voice and what He’s saying more than ever!!

Don’t worry, I’m still going to Loma in the fall and I’m not running away to a foreign country. But I’m not going to settle for a life outside of Him and what He’s doing, he has a plan better than we could imagine!!

I want to stand in fear and reverence of the Lord. I want to spend my days gazing at the beauty of the Lord, I love you Lord!

My favorite chapter of the Bible is Revelation 4! I read it every single day, I can’t get it out of my mind, let me tell you about it. It teaches me about the beauty of the Lord, when I read it there’s so much I don’t understand at all, there is always so much to learn about Him. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,” is cried day and night! I want to do this! I want to be a part of this!!!! When we sit and gaze at the beauty of the Lord we can then serve and worship in response of our love for Him rather than out of our own capabilities. This has transformed the way I live my life and led me to ask deeper questions about Gods intentions,

  • How can I bring Him glory and honor?
  • How can I soften my heart to what He’s doing and walk obediently in what He calls me to do?
  • How does He want me to continue working online in Thailand, should I go back?
  • In what ways can I live life on the mission field and where is He calling me?

These are just a few things that have been on my heart and in my prayers. I have been learning so much, it has been such a sweet few months! I know that despite the struggles of being back in the states, he’s moving and it’s a privilege to be a part!

I pray for a heart that is soft to the true gospel. I pray for a deeper faith and boldness so that I can walk in further obedience than I ever have before. I pray for ears that listen to His voice and nothing else. Thank you Lord for this time! 🤍