

A written prayer to you oh Lord God. Father, please keep my heart and mind set on you and you alone. Father, lead me in your will. To do what you have set before, purely out of love to serve your people, for your glory, father. Keep my path straight, oh Lord, I am prone to wander. You are the light, you are the truth. You are what I hope in, Lord, my life is set before you. Please God use this life to share that hope with others. Creation cries out your name, oh God, use this trip as a shout of praise Lord. Let those who do not know the name of Jesus Christ know him deeply, know his love, his light, his life, his sacrifice. Let them come to know you, our Heavenly Father, because of what he did. He is THE way, definitive article, the only. Lord, nothing I could ever do could show those around me your son, it is only by your spirit and it is only for your glory. I pray for his presence in my life. Spirit, please take hold of my life and my heart. Work through me, in me, around me, for the glory of God and God alone. Praise the father!! Spirit, snatch up the hearts of everyone involved in this mission field. Set us ablaze, ignite a hunger and thirst that only Jesus can fulfill because he is the Living Water. Lord, ease the anxiety and doubts that come in waves. I know you are greater. This world will try to drag those who you call yours away, but Father I am in the palm of your hand, and I know how this story ends. Praise. Praise for who you are Lord. Praise for your love, flowing free when we are so undeserving, yet you pour out grace upon grace. I pray that everyone in this mission field know that truth, Father. Thank you for how you have revealed that truth to me.

It’s in your son’s glorious name,
