Why am I going on this world race trip? To be honest, this question isn’t something I have thought about much. When someone would ask me that question I normally respond along the lines of “I just love to serve people and going on adventures, so the idea of traveling the world and helping people at the same time sounds amazing”. I keep the response short but to the point. But recently I’ve been pushed to dig a little deeper to find the inspiration on why I would go.
The first thing that comes to my mind is my servant-like heart. My parents helped me see this recently and I’ve had to set aside time to think about why. The One who inspired me is a beautiful example of a servant-like heart. I look at my Savior and I’m in awe at how humble He was, is, and forever will be. There is nothing more humbling than looking at everything Jesus has done and continues to do for you. Looking at Jesus’ humilty and servitude has led the desire within my heart to do the exact same thing while I’m on this earth.
I think another thing that has drawn me to world race is my parent’s desire for all things mission. Although my mom and dad aren’t active missionaries on the field, I can see their acts of service and desire to reach every person with the gospel as I get older. One specific area that stands out to me is our mission group within our church. My mom and dad are members of the group and have pushed me and my siblings to be apart of it as well. Last year my mom was sent by our church to Albania to learn and serve alongside some missionaries we support. This had a huge impact on me because that’s where my desire to travel and serve really kicked in. Since we’ve joined the mission group, I’ve had my opportunities to serve within the local area, but ever since my mom went out of the country I’ve had an itch to do that as well.
The last thing that I think of is my love for the world God created. To know that I can spend nine months serving my Jesus and exploring the world God created AT THE SAME TIME has me bouncing off the walls (you should see me now as I’m writing this blog). I’ve always been captivated by nature so knowing that I have the opportunity to see, experience, and learn even more about God’s world has me thrilled and grateful beyond words.
So after thinking about why I would go on this world race trip, that is the behind the scenes to my answer 🙂