
The past two weeks of training camp have already taught me a lot about just how faithful God is. We have been living in tents, doing our laundry in buckets, and showering in shipping containers. Through it all though, I have found great love from not only the people around me, but from God as well. Jesus was the most humble man on earth, and being able to live like Him in humility these past two weeks has opened my eyes to really how big His heart is for us. It doesn’t matter how much we have, what we accomplish, or how hard we strive, He loves us all equally.

I had a hard time feeling God in the first week here. I felt empty, and lonely. It was hard to make connections with the people around me as well. Through the sessions and worship that week I would be striving so hard to meet God, and wondered why I wasn’t worthy to feel His love and peace. I cried every day that week. In one of the sessions, they talked about how God wants to be in partnership with us. This is where I learned that I don’t have to do anything to be worthy of His love. He just wanted an invitation to come and meet me where I am. After just giving and fully surrendering myself, I felt it, the great peace of the Lord. Along with surrendering my doubts and feeling of emptiness to God, I surrendered my heart. I had asked him to open the eyes of my heart and show me new things, really just asked Him to use me as a vessel to help reach people. God presents us all with specific gifts to complete the body of him. So in these past two weeks He’s started to show me new gifts that He has given me. It’s been a bit of a struggle learning how to discern some of the things He shows me, but I trust that when the time comes He’ll reveal it to me. One big word that has come up and that God has been telling me is “still”, and to “be still”. He tells me to just be still in where I’m at, and not try and force anything, or strive to hard, and just know that He has it all under control.

This week has been really cool, our whole team has grown together and strengthened our unity. It’s so cool to see how God has already changed so many peoples hearts. Being able to dig into the word every single day, and give it all to Him, has strengthened so many people’s relationships with Him, including mine. I am so excited to see how He continues to move through me and our team to help make His kingdom bigger. Praise God!

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