We finally launched!!! We’ve been in Nicaragua at the base called REAP for about two weeks now. Our ministry has looked like so many different things. Such as prayer walking(going to peoples houses to talk and pray), farm work(prayer or landscape), hospital(going bed to bed praying), the dump(serve lunch and give a sermon), and micro churches!! I’ve had a blast getting to know the staff and locals here at REAP but also growing so much in the Lord. Also I am still in need of funds and would love all the support I can get so, please consider supporting me and/or spread the word!
On our prayer walk, we had arrived in a house filled with an Abuela, her two out of four daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren. They immediately greeted us with joy and gave us chairs to sit in. Then they offered us a cold coco cola to sip on as abuela opened up to us about her faith. One thing she said was “why want what others have so much when the Lord has blessed you with what YOU need, you don’t need to waste your time on comparison and jealousy.” That really hit me. The locals here have little to nothing BUT are filled with the joy of the Lord. So I’m like why am I so upset about other people having more or better things than me, spiritually and materially, when the Lord has blessed me with ALL I NEED. The Lord has gifted me with a warm house to stay in, clean clothes on my back, and clean cold water, but he has also blessed me with His wisdom and strength, His peace and understanding, the ability to memorize verses to bring up when I don’t have access to a bible, and many more that He is slowly revealing to me. These people here, when being open and honest, are truly so so thankful for even the smallest of blessings from the Lord, they are thankful for the ability to have a roof over their head even if it’s just leaves or a tarp, but they are more thankful for the Lords guidance and healing through all that they have faced. They are thankful for His neverending joy in hard time.
The biggest thing the Lord has revealed to me theses last two weeks is that I need to be greatful for what He has already given me spiritually/mentally. The fact that He has chosen me to have specific gifts from the spirit. The fact that he has walked me through inner healing and restoration. I need to learn how to rejoice and be content with where the Lord has me and what He has given me.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
Again thank you all for reading my blogs and thank you for all the support!!! I love you all so much!!!