
Hey! It’s been a few weeks, and I wanted to recap some of Colombia! My time at Ciudad Refugio was filled with so much joy and sorrow and everything in between. There were so many different types of ministry throughout the foundation and it truly was special to get to step into all different types of roles. I got to be a teacher, a worship leader, an encourager, and a kitchen worker, but my favorite was being a friend. Relational ministry truly is so powerful; to run alongside people racing for Christ and to spur one another on is such a gift and a testament to God’s goodness. I will most definitely cherish the time I had in Colombia and hold the relationships I formed close to my heart.

I’ve seen God work over and over again as the Redeemer in my own testimony, and what a blessing it was to see Him move so powerfully as not just the Redeemer, but also as an all powerful God capable of all things. I saw Him as the Comforter when a man curled up beneath my feet and fell asleep while we sang God’s praises on the street. I saw Him as the Rescuer when people came off the streets to the foundation, to walk in a new joyful light He created for them. I saw Him as the Sustainer for the people in the program who missed their homes and families. We have such a dependable God, and I’ve gained a deeper understanding of what dependence looks like in this season. There are many uncomfortable moments where I’ve had to plant my feet and stand firmly in faith because I would be shaken without it. But with discomfort comes the growth and victories I wouldn’t be able to accomplish on my own.

“God isn’t always leading us to the safest route forward but the one where we’ll grow the most.” – Bob Goff, Everybody Always

Although I am heartbroken to see this season end, I am excited for the next- to see God as a Restorer as we work with a ministry that is focused on restoring young women after sex trafficking.

With love, joy, and hope for a hot shower soon, 

Camille Curtis