
It’s funny. I’ve never actually really liked that phrase. Catching the Vision. I have felt that it has a forceful connotation to it. I never want to force anyone into anything.

And now I realize that catching the vision is simply an invitation.

An invitation into what God is doing.

An invitation to partner with God.

Isn’t that our purpose on Earth??

To strive to see the Kingdom on Earth? To be His hands and feet??

I think so!!

Nothing will ever stop the power of the gospel and its movement across the earth. And we get to partner with God and His mission!!

I sit here at the student center in Korce, Albania, catching the vision. An endless smile across my face.

The cold air, snow capped mountains, and warmth of everyone around me draws me in. The center feels like home. A cozy place where everyone is welcome. Where everyone can stay. Where love abounds. Where the presence of Jesus resides.

When I was in high school, I was involved in Young Life. I went to the events and helped lead the middle schoolers which was such a joy!! It was the happiest I’ve ever been, leading those middle schoolers closer and closer to Christ.

And this ministry reminds me of every moment of that.

I look around me and there are students studying, playing ping pong, drinking coffee, playing darts, reading, and engaging with each other!

This is a place people want to be. A place I want to be.

I don’t know what God has for my future, but I do know that student ministry will be a part of it. Whatever that looks like and wherever that is, students and youth needs to know the name of Jesus.

And it all starts by opening your doors. Saying come on in. Stay. And loving them like Jesus would.