
  Wow, we are officially on our second week of ministry in South Africa which is our last country before headed back to the States!!  It’s honestly really hard to wrap my mind around that fact… I couldn’t have asked for a better way to re-enter though for culture shock purposes.  This is the most like home we have lived on the race yet.  There is a huge mall within walking distance which has just about anything and everything including a gym… yay.  Then you drive about 8 minutes further to downtown Jeffery’s Bay with countless surf shops, the beautiful ocean, and the school we work at.  I’ll be honest when I heard we were working in a school again I was a little disappointed.  Coming from Cambodia’s long school days and then Eswatini’s kid’s ministry I was hoping for something different this time. Coming onto the race I thought kid’s ministry was my favorite and I would thrive there… That’s not completely wrong I’ve just found a deeper love for discipleship, reaching the unreached, seeking depth in relationships, serving people, etc….

  I honestly struggled this first week with everything feeling so much like home and once again, like Cambodia, not fully seeing our purpose here.  Part of me just was ready to fully be home also because it’s so close, yet so far still.   I had a hard time pressing into the moments here, enjoying where we are at, and finishing this season strong.  As well as not worrying about what’s happening this coming summer instead of being present here.  I feel like it’s still a bit of a battle but after asking the Lord to change my heart posture and seek gratitude over rushing this time, He was so faithful in giving me a new perspective.  I can’t really explain what changed besides my heart, simply by His grace.  He also blessed us with a World Race semesters squad living right across the grassy field for a couple weeks here.  God reminded me ministry isn’t just at school but it’s also within my team each day and other people He places in our path such as the other squad.  I’ve been able to press in there, making friendships and learning so much from them.  We have dinner every night with them and have been at a few of the same events!  He’s also refreshed my love for kid’s by the unconditional love they show and excitement for this time here.  I’m so grateful for answered prayers and renewed heart postures!

  As for the school we are working at,  I am a TA for a “grade R” class which is essentially kindergarten.  My first day, I got kisses on the cheek from the kids which was a surprise but kinda adorable haha.  Needles to say they are sooo loving, very well behaved, love hugs, and lots of affirmation.  We usually do some songs in the morning and a little bible story, in Afrikaans, and then a project or a lesson in their school books. Most of them speak English pretty well and their language is very similar to Dutch and English. We arrive at 8am and leave around 2pm.  Some of my favorite moments with them so far are a few of them running up across the hallways for hello hugs and the random whispers of “I love you” in my ear.  They are very adorable and entertaining to watch with the fake cries and the attitudes as well.  It’s pretty consistent day in and day out but our team is a little sad we are separated each day as we are all in different classes. It’s fun getting to share stories from the day with them though!

  We’ve also has some pretty awesome adventures here already in which I’m so grateful for!  We’ve gone surfing, hiking, swimming, exploring, so many gym days, etc!  Which are some of my favorite things to do.  My favorite day here turned out to be my birthday last Saturday!  We went to a national park here which was absolutely gorgeous.  The waves were HUGE, the scenery was stunning, and the forest with the sun rays shining in was beautiful.  (I posted some pics on social media!) We stopped at a little town near by, afterward which was so cute and then went to dinner at a place here called Nina’s.  We ended the night with swing dance at the church we attend, which also happens to be a short walk across a parking lot.  That was so fun too with the locals and World Race community here!   I do love having everything within walking distance, as walking is also one of my favorite things!

  Anyways, I’ve had some really great moments here, some not so good moments, but I can confidently say I’m content where I’m at.  The distractions are definitely real here but I’m grateful for this reality check and learning how to stay disciplined with my true priorities when any and everything is right at my fingertips.  It’s been one of the harder adjustments for sure, but I’m excited to see what God has for these last 2-3 weeks of Africa!  My prayer requests for his next month are, to be able to fully press into God this last time here, the people God has placed in front of me, hard things, and finishing strong.  For safe travels May 7th as we have a direct fight from Jo-berg, South Africa to Atlanta, Georgia!  (We will be doing a little bit of time traveling but it is a 17 hour flight!) Andddd finally, clarity on the future and what God has this summer… I have a few decisions to make and simply want what God has in store!  That’s all for now, thanks for reading!

Ps- I can’t post pictures of the kids in my class but here are some pics from our adventures!

surf days and handstand contents! 🙂

my favorite picture from the hike and a cool spider in our house 🙂