
Opening our second week in Ecuador, it has been such a sweet 12 days soaking in all that the Lord has for our team here. We are currently in a pretty remote spot in the mountains, due to the privacy and safety of the girls who are here with the foundation. The view we get to wake up to every morning is so incredible and truly leaves me in awe of God’s creation. It’s so amazing to think that God created such a vast creation with mountains and seas but also created each one of us with such intention and purpose.

Our ministries in Colombia and now Ecuador have been a night and day difference in almost every way. While in Colombia, we were in the middle of the city with a lot of noise, other mission teams working alongside us, and constantly going. Since being in Ecuador, we’ve been in the secluded mountainside, with the only noise being the cows and horses, 3 staff members we see on occasion, and hard but slower work. Although each look very different, it’s been so cool to see what God can do in each environment.

What I felt the Lord teaching me most in Colombia was meeting people where they are at and intentionality in each relationship you have. With the opportunity to go into the Bronx every Wednesday, we have to make the choice to either look at those people and judge them, or do what Jesus would do, and meet them where they’re at and invite them to get some aguapanilla con pan while we share the love of Jesus through conversations, no matter how long or short we speak. One of the staff members in Colombia made a comment that stuck with me, “If Jesus was walking the earth today, He’d be in the Bronx.” He wouldn’t be in the church with the people who already have and know His hope, but He’d be sharing it with those who haven’t had the privilege of experiencing that yet.

So far in Ecuador, I feel the Lord is teaching me that everything I could ever need or want comes from Him, and if you ask in faith, you’ll receive. If I feel low in joy, He’s sure to refill me if I simply ask Him. He’s my strength when in my flesh I can’t push anymore and my only choice is to rely on Him for that. When I feel tired, He’ll sustain me through the day to do whatever the ministry has us doing that day. He’s a supernatural peace that makes no sense to me, one that calms my anxiety to a point I’ve never experienced before. In any and every situation, He is the answer. He knows what He’s doing and wants to love us, we just simply have to receive that.

Please keep my team in your prayers as we finish out these last 3 and a half weeks here! Prayer requests
– Health of the team
– The hearts and healing of the girls in the program here
– Openness and receptivity of what the Lord has for us hear
– Ability to hear and discern the Lord’s voice