
It took me awhile to finally debrief what actually happened in Colombia and all the things that happened. From almost getting kidnapped, befriending a former hit man, eating churros everyday, and a growing passion for broken men and broken homes. Columbia was so stretching and growing. Living with 10 women has also been very very very hard. The easiest way to say this is we don’t really see eye to eye or have the same humor but we do have the most important thing in common……. “JESUS”.

The things the lord put on my heart from interacting with people who are completely broken and live off of absolutely nothing, children and families who have been kicked out of their countries and walked from Venezuela to Colombia, and completely broken men who have found restoration through Christ and only Christ.

The first thing is the Lord has made it aware to me how broken homes truly are and how a broken home can cause so much pain and suffering in the moment but also can affect generations of families. The only difference between people in Colombia and America is us Americans are able to mask the brokenness with money and nice things. We have Facebook and Instagram to post the good parts of our family but nobody knows the truth and brokenness of men in families. Some men grow up in broken homes and that’s all they know. The way their fathers treated women showed them how to treat women. I believe it all starts with the man and as the body of Christ we need to address these things more often and really learn to open that space and really push ourselves to be true “Men of God” and not show a mask on Sunday and act completely different the other days of the week. The Lord has a done so much refining and has really opened my eyes. But it would be a disservice to not share all of this with the body of Christ I have back home.  Love everyone that has supported me through this but a reminder is we don’t find restoration through the church or through people but we find it only through Christ and our relationship with him. Going to church isn’t enough. Inviting him in and allowing him to shape us and allow him to give us a new heart is the only way for our chains to be broken and for our minds to be transformed.