Come and See
Yeah yeah, I know. I am currently three weeks behind on blogs. The Lord has done so much and I had to continue to process so we could share in the fullness of joy together. So warning, this might be a little long. BUT SO GOOD!
We entered Paramos, Guatemala on March 2nd. We had a couple of days to sit and rest at the AIM base (picture to the left). Then we packed up again and traveled to Antigua Guatemala, which is 45 minutes to an hour away, for our Parent Vision Trip (PVT). On March 5th, the parents came to their hostel; it was about a two minute walk from our hostel. We surprised them and had a sweet reunion (picture to right).
For 5 days, they came with us to our different ministry locations and got a taste of what we have been doing for the past 7 months. We had ministry for only 3 or 4 hours a day and spent the rest of the days exploring Guatemala with them.
The Lord was so cool this week!! I got to take my mom into ministry to see what we’ve been doing for the past 7 months. The Lord was speaking ever so softly to her heart while the Lord led me to take a huge step back and to watch the body of Christ pour into her. Seeing how this community is united with one mind and one purpose, bounded together in love and peace, the passion and determination of this squad wanting others to know His love, and though the drawing of the Holy Spirit, she gave her life to Jesus!! PRAISE THE LAMB!
Here is a testimony from her:
Q: What did God show you and how did PVT (Parent Vision Trip) affect you?
He showed me how much love he has for his people. By watching our kids working with the children of Guatemala I saw how much love he has and how much our children love to spread the word and do his work. This really opened my eyes to how he has worked in and through my child. Watching how she gently and joyfully asked questions of older people to see where they were on their journey with the Lord really made me wonder where I am in my journey and helped me to reflect on my own path. It has made me crave more knowledge and understanding, makes me want to get back involved into church and learn all I can and helping my husband get back into church also. It was a great experience and would definitely recommend if you can go to PVT DO IT. You won’t regret it and your eyes are opened even more like mine were. I really enjoyed my time there watching and learning with my daughter. Something I’ll never forget.
Pictures of Antigua
We then entered into our 2nd debrief for a week. Debrief is a time where our coaches come, as well as our squad mentors, to sit and talk with the teams. We unwind and talk about what ministry was like in the previous country, our thoughts and feelings about it, working out things that happen within the team and mending relationships if needed.
When we process these things, it leaves room for the Lord to walk us deeper into understanding the Lord’s character through what we experienced in order to steward the other things the Lord wants to do in the next couple of months. It’s also a time of rest, and a time for the coaches and mentors to come with teachings to refresh us and pour into us, before we start our ministry in a new country. This week we had teachings on being aware of the lies that are sent by the enemy to creep in, repentance, the power of the blood of the Lamb, and law vs love. We had one fun day that week and we found a way for us to go to the lake!
After we finished debrief, we packed up again and headed back to the AIM base in Paramos.
Week of Ministry
We started the next week headed into our personal team ministries! The Lord has blessed and placed YADA in Dar Para Dar which translates as ‘Give to Give’. Our ministry host is named Chako (not his real name but that is what he goes by; picture on the left. He is on the right!). We do many different things in this ministry. On Mondays, we do house church, where we disciple people in the Word of God and in prayer. On Tuesdays, we work at a school and help teach English and/or help in sports. On Wednesdays, we we go up to Prayer Mountain and do construction. We are helping build a house for 7 people! On Thursdays, our wonderful base staff lead worship and a teaching. Then we go out into the streets and practice what we learned! This is called Activation day. On Fridays we are going up to Prayer Mountain and Sabbathing by spending time with the Lord up there.
Semana Santa
This week is Holy Week. After Spain, Guatemala is the country with the biggest influx of people who come to celebrate Holy Week (the seven days leading up to Easter). Literally thousands of people come from all over the world to watch people carry floats that weigh tons of pounds. They bear the weight of these floats, trying to feel what Jesus felt when He carried His cross. These floats tell the story of Jesus coming to Earth and dying for our sins. They make SUCH a big emphasis on His death and completely forget the resurrection. It hurts my heart watching them carry the floats, feeling like they have to earn His approval, and seeing how the journey shown by the floats ends with Him in the tomb. They are missing the point: that Jesus ROSE from the dead. These people know OF Jesus, but don’t know His character, His heart, or the things that Jesus died to set us free from: sin and death. REAL freedom is available. They are missing the point.
So, are you missing the point too? Are you actually walking in real freedom from sin and death? Check yourselves! Make sure the light you’re walking in is not actually darkness. Jesus is ALIVE and the Holy Spirit is active TODAY! Is all of this stuff just some words on a page to you or are you actively experiencing the love of God that He has for us? While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He did not come to condemn the world but to save the world through HIM; to save the world from spiritual death. God made a way for us to come back to life through the blood of Jesus.
Colossians 3:1-3
”Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.“
Join me in prayer for the veil to be lifted off their faces to hear and see and behold the Man who ROSE and defeated death, so they don’t sit in the hopelessness of a false Gospel. Jesus is the Hope of Glory!! We shall behold Him so the whole world knows!
Here is a podcast that I think would be beneficial for you to listen to:
Discipleship and Abandonment by Axel Villaseñor UPPERROOM Dallas
Redemption is the word that one of our leaders had received from the Lord for X Squad. THIS IS COMING TRUE. The Lord is bringing so much of what He has spoken to us individually to fruition!! Squad members are receiving the gift of tongues, and even other gifts of the Holy Spirit. Squad members are walking in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, and receiving more of Him. People are receiving freedom from evil spirits, and we are seeing the fruit of our labor in ministries. If the Lord has done that much in ONE month, how much more will He do in this next month in Guatemala!! JESUS IS GOOD!! He is inviting you to taste and see that He is good for YOURSELF and not just to hear it from me or anyone else. COME AND SEE!