
In a season of slowness, the Lord has recently walked me deep into prayer. A neglected aspect of intimacy with Christ.

What is prayer?

As far as it’s defined to my understanding, it’s an expression of thoughts and feelings unto the Lord…

A surrender of our lives.

A call to the kingdom.

A cry to the King.

After starting a 6 am prayer meeting, I’ve fallen deeply in love with prayer. Before it got really rainy here, we would sit on the beach, watch the sun come up and sit in communal prayer. The Lord lassoed the sun simultaneously as we lassoed eternity.

Praying out loud has brought new life to the conversation with Christ. I’ve watched God answer even the smallest of prayers. From silencing the secular music in a coffee shop, to making way for gospel conversations through small interactions. Then seeing so specifically my prayers for my teammate be answered almost immediately. Small and specific prayers take big faith. But watching God answer them so faithfully, I’ve seen His detail oriented character.

Prayer has taken my eyes off myself. I tasted freedom from self awareness and hyper fixation on a growth mentality. Things that are not inherently bad, but things that I’ve put above intimacy with God.

“Intimacy precedes fruitfulness.” -Jack Frost in Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship

I’ve been so concerned with growing with God that I’ve missed the heart of God to just meet with me. As I am. Before I “fix” anything. I’ve always felt the need to have it altogether, because otherwise I’d be a burden to people. Have my appearance together. Have my words together. Have my life together. But the reality is, I don’t have to have it all together in the presence of God. He wants me as I am. He wants you as you are. Come undone in His love for you. Let His love do the “fixing”.