Hola a todos (Hello everyone in Spanish), this is the Monthly Newsletter for the month of April. This last month overseas has been incredible, the Lord has done so much.

The Lords Preparation
Over the past month I have had so many opportunities. Opportunity on the field and for when I get back home. I’m going to start with what the lord has been preparing me for when I get back home. The ministry we have been working with in Guatemala is a ministry that touches many different villages in Guatemala. We were able to work with two of the villages they interact with regularly. One is about a 30 minute chicken bus ride away. The other takes about an hour and a half to get two. The closer village we teach and visit the families of the community in their homes. We do soccer training with the older kids and then teach the younger kids school material. When we go to the village further away we visit the families in the community and we also do soccer training. Within our time there we were welcome into not only the community of people running the ministry, but also into the community of Guatemalans. They treated us as one of their own, which absolutely incredible to experience. Through these ministries the Lord has shown me how much I enjoy pouring into kids and showing them how much they are loved. As well as having the opportunity to pour into home situations that may not always be the best. This summer I will be working in Pennsylvania at an overnight camp. This camp host many kids who have bad home lives and it allows for them to hear about the love of Jesus. The Lord has also been preparing me more for the mission field. I have been given a special opportunity to continue missions in the 10/40 window. For those of you who don’t know what the 10/40 window is, it is a location of the world where Jesus is the most unknown and sometimes can be hostile towards Jesus. Starting in August I will begin training and then will be sent to South Asia to continue telling people about the good news.

Paraphrased Newsletter
Over the past 8 months the Lord has been preparing me for his calling on my life. I will be working in Pennsylvania this summer to help mentor and counsel kids. In the fall I will be going to the unreached corners of the world in South Asia.

Thank you all so much for reading this Newsletter. As I continue with ministry this summer and going into South Asia in the fall, I ask that you would continue to keep me in your prayers. I am also beginning to raise funds for both of these so if you led to give I will leave my Venmo at the end of this post for you. The donation link is not available yet, but as soon as it is I will make another post about it. Thank you all again so much for all the support.
