
First week : Community 🫶🏾❤️‍🩹

          The Ministry team that my  squad has partnered with in Guatemala 🇬🇹:

The community of the ministry team that my squad has partnered with in Guatemala are so kind and they hunger for more Knowledge of God and are passionate about what His word says and seek to live it out in their Community and private lives as well. I see God working through the people that I am surrounded by. We worship and pray together frequently with this ministry.


The people on the streets of Guatemala 🇬🇹:

They are so friendly and welcoming. (At least in the area I am in) I have not seen one look at my team and I in a mean manner. They look on in curiosity. They are so patient with the our language barrier.

                 The community of my squad:

The community of my squad is growing day by day. We have been on the field for a little over week and so far things are going well. I hope that someday we can all find a way to support each other, encourage one another to keep our eyes on Jesus, and to keep moving forward in our walk with Him. We spend time praying together and seek to grow in our faith and relationship with Jesus.

Prayer Request:

-Health of our team and the ministries World Race has partnered with.

– My support will reach 100 percent when it should!(I am at 62 percent now!🥳🍾)

Here is a bit of History on Guatemala 🇬🇹:

Guatemala 🇬🇹

A land of small and friendly people! It is absolutely beautiful. They are the descendants of the Mayan people. The Maya were  civilization developed in the Maya Region, an area that today comprises southeastern Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador. Approximately 45 percent of the population is Catholic, and 42 percent is non-Catholic Christian. Approximately 11 percent of the population professes no religious affiliation.(This census was done in 2016)

They are in need of Hope! The hope of the gospel for nothing on this earth will love, sustain, and save them for eternity apart from separation God other than Jesus. They must receive the gospel. Please pray for the people of Guatemala. Please pray that they will soften their hearts towards God and the gospel.

I encourage you to pray for your heart and faith in Jesus as well. Ask Him to refine your heart, ask Him to help you to fully surrender to everything to Him, to trust Him and to obey Him. (Myself included. I need to continually seek to do all these things.)

Matthew 9:37

”Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;“

Romans 10:15

”And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”“


I would love to tell you in detail all that I am doing to serve the Lord, but this verse comes to mind also and for the safety of others I would like to keep the details on the down low:

Matthew 6:3

”But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,“


This is such a wonderful and challenging experience. There’s so much to take in.

It’s such a unique experience also. Getting to travel and serve like this is great. What a wonderful different perspective on life.  Houses, restaurants, and shops are so close together. They are rich in so many ways. You must come and experience this yourself.

I have noticed many things, but this one thing in particular sticks out to me. (At least in area I was in.) They are quite poor in funds. They work hard and earn so little money. Yet they are cheerful and happy.

Why are they so poor:

Guatemala is still one of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

It has highly unequal incomes and chronically malnourished children. The country is threatened persistently by political insecurity, and lacks skilled workers and infrastructure. It relies on remittances for nearly one-tenth of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product ).

There are 25 languages spoken in Guatemala. Spanish is the official and most spoken language. In addition, there are 22 different Mayan languages as well as two other Indigenous languages

One of my favorite dishes so far. ( no I don’t remember what it’s called 😅)




Thank you so much for your support and prayers!