
Thursday September 5th was Culture day. This meant that we had to dress like we will in Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country. All of the girls had to wear really flowy pants or a skirt that went all the way to our ankles. The guys just had to wear pants. Everyone on my squad had to cover their shoulders, ankles, and any tattoos they have. We were asked to greet one another by clasping hands and bowing, and then there was no cross gender touching allowed.

We also ate food from a few different cultures throughout the day. It started in the morning with a Guatemalan breakfast consisting of chips, beans, eggs, and plantains. Then for lunch we had cheese and jam sandwiches, a staple in South Africa, along with Afrikaans music playing over the speakers. After everyone finished eating, we started dancing and one of my squad mates, Isabella taught me how to swing dance, and I can’t wait to learn more. For supper we had Indian Coconut and Chicken curry, while music from one of the ministry hosts in India wrote.

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