
Excerpts from the journal of one racer, Elise Friderich. 2024.


Jan 11 : Sat in a bus for 10 hours, on the way to the Cambodian border. We weren’t allowed to cross. We have to go to a different border. 15 hours away.

Jan 12 : At 3 am, the bus driver stopped the bus on the side of the road for me to go to the bathroom. He woke up the whole bus by turning on the lights. I was very embarrassed while I peed in the woods. Also we are now stuck in Vietnam.

Jan 13 : While stuck in Ho Chi Mehn, I randomly decided to dye my hair blonde again. Me and Jo went to a hair place together and a guy named Chris kept the toner on my hair for way too long.

Jan 14 : After sleeping in the Vietnamese airport, we took a 48 minute plane ride to Cambodia. I instantly started dripping sweat on our hour long bus ride to base. Travel day(s) in all was over 53 hours.

Jan 15 : I rode in a tuktuk for the first time today. For anyone who has never rode in a tuktuk, they are missing out on a stellar experience.

Jan 18 : In the middle of my last class, the students came in with a Birthday cake for Teacher Phaneth. It wasn’t her birthday but I didn’t question free cake. It stained my teeth.

Jan 20 : Abby and I found Legos at the base. Abby made a duck and a dino and I made a castle, pirate ship and mini houses. It was a great Sabbath.

Jan 21 : At Sunday school, we did worship with the kids and none of us knew what we were singing. The dance moves were fun though.

Jan 24 : After a long day of school, my teacher bought me Boba tea. I almost cried, it was the sweetest thing.

Jan 25 : I finally learned one of my students names. She gave me a note saying “I love you.” I love my students.

Jan 27 : Best. Day. Ever. I got to pet dozens of kitty babies at a Cat Cafe. I got to eat American buffalo wings. AND I got to be with my adorable friends.

Jan 30 : Today I saw one of my students sharpening his crayon with a make shift knife he made out of a ruler. I don’t know how teachers normally do this.