
Dear Dominican Republic,

June 2024 was spent with incredibly anointed brothers & sisters in Christ. The love I have for each & every one of you goes beyond words… what a blessing it is to know you all here before entering The Kingdom of Heaven. Thank You Lord for showing me not only what it is to be Your daughter, but what it also means to be a servant to You. The DR held truth, compassion, challenges, lessons, reflections & so much more… I will carry it all with me for all of my days. Thank You Jesus, thank you G Squad & thank you Dominican Republic. Te Quiero.

Here are the highlights of my notes I taken during our missionary trip in the Dominican Republic. 🇩🇴

June 8th – June 30th 2024

.”Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether” Psalms 139:4
.“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your presence?” Psalms 139:7
.It is not about following the sheep, it’s about seeking the Shepherd.
.You are designed with/for greatness.
.2 Samuel 22:17-31
.I use to walk in death. Once blind. Now I walk in Life. Now I see.
.Psalms 127:2 – He provides true rest & sleep to His children.
.Nothing is too much for Him. Giving & receiving. He cannot help you too much & you cannot serve Him too much.
.Rest is Holy. Prioritize Sabbath always.
.John 20:15-17. 22 “Feed my sheep.” “You follow me.”
.1 Thessalonians 5
.Use the forgiveness God has given you to others.
.Serve God. Serve The Truth.
.Ecclesiastes 5
.”Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Matthew 6:3
.Being a disciple takes you to be discipline.
.We are at a crossroad, are you willing to jump ?
.It’s not always a lesson, sometimes it’s a reminder of what you have already learned.
.Hebrews 4. Hebrews 10.
.You go from glory to glory, you cannot go any lower.
.Intend to always have fruitful conversations, call each other higher, feed into one another.
.Galatians 6
.Wanting to be heard vs. wanting to be wise.
.Be present & be patient.
.Humble yourself before the Lord, always.

Video credit & edit : @allexhorton 💛