
Remember when I said I hoped the World Race would provide me with an opportunity to do more overseas mission work? Well, it did! Or should I more accurately say God did!  I am thrilled to announce that I will be returning to Durres, Albania.  I have the incredible opportunity to assist GraceLife church in its mission to make disciples of the nations in 2025.

GraceLife Ministries is a vibrant church plant from South Africa, led by Pastor Aleica. As an English-speaking international church, they are dedicated to reaching the lost through building relationships and equipping believers through discipleship. They emphasize not only reaching the lost but also training believers in effective evangelism.Partnering with GraceLife was a transformative experience for me. It was the first time I truly grasped what being a Christian entails. In today’s world, it’s often hard to distinguish a Christian from a non-religious person as we all tend to live similar, ordinary lives. However, a Christian’s life should be anything but ordinary. We are called to live out the Acts of the Apostles with God’s supernatural power, sacrificing comfort to reach the unsaved. 

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation… And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well. (Mark 16:15-18)”

I aspire to live that life! GraceLife provides an amazing opportunity to do so. I believe there is so much more I can learn from them. The six weeks I spent there last January wasn’t enough! Initially, I thought a few months would suffice, but after further discussions with Alecia, we decided on a year. A year would be the most beneficial for ministry as I get involved. 

I will also be learning Albanian, which I never thought I would ever do. Many young Albanians speak English, so I initially thought I could manage with just English. However, learning the language will make me more effective in ministry. During my last visit, I wrote letters to an Albanian girl, who didn’t know English. I translated my letters into Albanian, creating a sweet interaction as my team passed by her family’s shop. This experience showed me how much more impactful I could be if I knew the language. 

I will be taking a course called Ministry School with GraceLife when I arrive in Albania. “GraceLife Ministry School is a 1-year online program aiming at helping you to correctly divide the Word, and equipping you to live life as a fruitful believer.” I already started preparing for this course. I’m reading through the Bible currently. It’s important to read the whole Bible before taking the course. I always thought reading through the whole Bible would be difficult, so I never tried. However, with the extra motivation and encouragement, it is going quite well!

Another course I will be taking is School of Missions which is called Bootcamp. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to essential topics concerning world missions. “The focuses on establishing you to be a fruitful disciple of Jesus and aims to help you to get more clarity on your calling, be equipped with tools for a life of mission, and step into more of the purposes of God for you.” Bootcamp is a seven-week program, three times a week. Ministry School will be once a week with homework throughout the week. Language classes will hopefully be three times a week including self-study. In the first couple of months in Albania, my time will be taken up with these courses and language learning. After those months are over, I will be more involved with the church services.

Those partnering with GraceLife have ministry roles both inside and outside of church services. The pastor and I discussed the possibility of me hosting World Racers who come to partner with Gracelife. While we haven’t finalized all the details, we have several ideas on how I can contribute.  GraceLife’s primary focus is on evangelism, so they prioritize freeing up as much as possible for interactions with non-believers.

Alecia and I are currently discussing Visa details since I will be staying for a year. She is also helping me find a living arrangement. I would prefer to live with others rather than alone, but we will see what we can find!

During my time in Canada, I will be preparing for my return to Albania. I will need to fundraise approximately one thousand dollars per month, so my goal is twelve thousand dollars for the year. Initially, I was nervous about fundraising again because it can feel uncomfortable. However, I trust that God will provide. I have already seen God’s provision in many ways. Compared to my last trip, this one is half the price for one month longer!

While I’ve been in Canada, I helped out at Camp Sagitawa. The three weeks I was there were so amazing. It was so refreshing to be part of my community again, engaging with work I am good at and love.  I caught up with my friends, and still plan on staying and visiting with more of them. My sister is expecting her first baby in October, and I will finish the year off with Christmas with my family.

The Visa, living arrangements, and funds are all things you can pray for as I prepare to return to this beloved country. I am so excited about this new adventure. Though I know there will challenges, I have felt so loved by the team at GraceLife. I look forward to deepening my relationship with them and learning from them.