
Do you see the Lord around you? Do you recognize Him?

He is patient. (Psalm 145:8)

He is kind. (Psalm 103:8)

He is gentle. (Matthew 11:29)

He is helpful. (Hebrews 13:6)

We had a 65 hour travel day from Guatemala to Eswatini. Visiting  4 airports, 4 planes, 1 bus, and 1 bed. This travel day was exhausting, challenging, and stressful. But the Lord was there.


When we felt lost in the New York Airport and were trying to find our way to food a man spoke out to us and guided us to the bus stop. As we approached the area another man kindly spoke to us and told us which bus to get on and we didn’t even ask him, he just showed us. We didn’t even stop to pray, but the Lord sent people to help us. People who were compassionate and helpful just like He is. The Lord saw we needed help and loved us. Do you recognize the Lord when you see Him around you?


On our previous flight the boarding manager did not want us to bring our guitars into over head storage, would not accommodate our guitars and was going to send them under the plane (to get crushed in their soft cases) or have us send them back on another flight. The manager was super sharp, hostile, and did not care about us. We began praying and lexi stood up to defend us. Out of nowhere one of the flight attendees rushes to us and helps us. He finds an extra closet for us that kept our guitars safe and we didn’t have to pay extra. Thank you Lord. He saw us, helped us, and protected us because we want to worship Him via song. Do you recognize the Lord when you see Him around you?


This super long travel day left us exhausted as we adjusted to a new country. It was hard adjusting to new beds, a new house, and new food as we are all living together for all squad month. Our sleep schedules have been hours out of sync because we are 7 hours ahead of America and it has been hard with this transition. When we showed up to our new home in Africa we were given 4 full days to adjust to life here before ministry has been kicked into full gear. The Lord saw us and had gentleness on us. He gave us multiple days to adjust and settle in our new lives before jumping into ministry. Do you recognize the Lord when you see Him around you?


Thank you Lord for helping me and loving me. I am excited to start ministry in Africa, I am excited to share stories with you all. Pray for me and my team during this season!

To give: https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/jan-2024-world-race-expedition-11-months/participants/noah-weinstein