Hello all!
I bet you’ve all been wondering what exactly has been going on as l’ve been off at training camp for the past week. Just like my hiker’s bag, there’s a lot to unpack, so let’s begin:
The training camp with the World Race intentionally prepares you for the mission field. To clarify, they understand that not every country is going to have all the luxuries that we take for granted in America such as working plumbing, air conditioning, portion sizes for food, and a place to stay. Because of this, we are challenged with camping in tents and adapting to a variety of unique scenarios. For example, one scenario that we participated in was a “Prayer Watch” which is where your squad stays up for the entire night praying for others who are sleeping (since with some places, a common dilemma is nightmares and issues with rest). Another scenario included working as a team to complete laps which involved us carrying a teammate, leading one teammate who is blindfolded and crab walking around an uphill and downhill trail with only the six people. Our last lap included carrying (not rolling) a 300 lb tire. While some of these scenarios have challenged us, they have also served as a unifying tool to bring our squad together. While it’s only been a week, the sheer vulnerability of the squad has been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s this vulnerability that shows that we are not only here together, but we are walking through the same struggles together (internal and external).
These struggles have included physical, social/mental and spiritual uncomfortableness as we face new experiences, ideas and notions that may clash with our own personal biases and preconceived notions. Not all of these have been bad, some have actually been quite beneficial in how they have brought growth to my own personal and spiritual understanding. To list off a few:
- Sleeping outside in the heat and humidity
- Smaller portion sizes (some of y’all know is a challenge for me, I eat like a horse).
- Unconventional methods of maintaining hygiene (porta-potties & bucket showers)
- Constantly surrounded by people (must be intentional having alone time)
- Shifting Schedule (for those who know, I’m a Type-A person in which I like knowing what I’m doing and when l’m doing it, which just doesn’t happen here XD.)
- Constant and continuous support system (leaders, coaches and mentors – which has been so good!)
- Notions that challenge some pre-existing beliefs (very interesting especially when we all talk it out and share our own personal thoughts, opinions and perspectives)
- Walking through spiritual struggles with your squad mates that you both can relate to and are working to understand together).
And while l’ve wanted to escape and get out of the uncomfortable situations, God has revealed to me that He is using these moments of uncomfortability to prepare me for the future mission field that He is calling me to. All of the challenging conversations and scenarios are preparing me for the future, but in order to be ready for them, I have to embrace the uncomfortability and live in the present.
Honestly, it’s been tough, but it’s been so worth it as God has revealed so many different things to me just in this past week from who God sees me as to relying on others in different situations. Some of these have been so touching and I’d like to reveal just a couple with you guys so you may see how God has been working in and through me this past week:
- In my relationship with God, I am like an infant/toddler learning how to walk in step with Him as he holds my hands and guides me. And even when I stumble and fall, God is still there with me, helping me get back up on my feet to move forward.
- I’m learning what it looks like to walk confidently on the waters God’s approval rather than sink in the waves of human approval.
- Slowly but surely, God is breaking the spirit of religion within me.
- Being in God’s presence is more than just a feeling or an emotion. It’s more than just seeking out miracles or blessings, but it’s about seeking his face that we may come to know more about God and how He sees and loves us.
More to come! But until then, I hope you all stay blessed. Thank you for continually praying for me and if you have questions, feel free to leave them on here below (and I’ll work to get back to you when I can 🤗). Love y’all, have a great day!
Hunter Land